The West Shows Lack of Moral Courage in the Face of Ideologies of Terrorism 

We see this in the response to the killing of Ismail Haniyeh and the idea that he was negotiating for hostages and should not have been killed.  But he was responsible for hundreds of deaths and then the 1200 killed on October 7.  I would love to see a doctrine in the West and Israel that terrorist leaders forfeit their right to live and are legitimate targets.  That would include Iranian leaders. 


Two articles in the Jerusalem Post Weekend edition noted the lack of moral courage in the West.  The Biden administration allows Iran to be supplied with tens of billions of dollars even now through evading oil sanctions and this finances their proxies and terrorism.  The idea of living with terrorist nations and having accommodations is foolish and temporary and will lead to much greater loss.  They are pledged to destroy the United States and the West. Believe them!  The lesson of appeasement with Hitler has not been learned. One article by strategic think tank thinker David Weinberg was especially powerful.  I read him every week. It was entitled “Getting strategically “unstuck.”  The West accommodates Iran.   Israel sought to accommodate Hamas and Hezbollah and find ways to just live with them.  Iran should never have been permitted to move toward an atomic bomb and regime change should have been policy.  Israel’s policy should be that no terror regime will be allowed to rule in a nation on the border of Israel.  Also, any nation threatening Israel’s existence is a legitimate military target.  Weinberg hopes that the killing of Haniyeh will now open the way to get unstuck since Iran’s response and Israel’s response to that get us unstuck.  Even a pre-emptive strike before that response comes to full fruition gets Israel unstuck as painful as that will be.  Finally, Israel seems delivered from its delusion of living with Hamas Hezbollah on its border.  


A second amazing article was by Marziyeh Amirzadeh, an Iranian now in the United States.  She was arrested and sentenced to death for converting to Christianity.  The article did not say how she escaped after 9 months in prison, but her husband and best friend were tortured and lost their lives. Here she rightly rails against a Jewish Israeli historian, Alon Ben Meir.  He writes about the opportunity to get along with a more moderate Iran now that a more moderate President has been elected, President Pezeshkian.  What a delusion!  But this is window dressing for the West.  She is stunned that Israel allowed Hamas to be funded and armed and now the West falls for such a foolish response to Iran.  Iran is totally under the Ayatollah and no other official will make a difference. When they tell you what they want to do believe them and fight them before they have great power.  But as Weinberg says, the West has lost its moral courage.  Is it possible that this loss is rooted in postmodern leftism that cannot grasp a battle of good against evil?  Morals have fallen to a terrible degree.    


One other article also showed the moral bankruptcy of the West.  Gil Hoffman reports on news coverage of the terror missile bombing on the Druze Village of Majdal Shams in the Golan.  In several major papers, what happened just was not represented.  It was emphasized that this was occupied territory.  It is not.  Tell the Druze who live there and are pro-Israel.  The articles did not clearly note the Hezbollah attack and wrote as if Israel was somehow responsible and that this was a response to Israel’s attack on Hamas and Haniyeh.  One writer noted that when Netanyahu visited after the attack he was shouted at (as if they were anti-Israel) but their shouts were demanding that he take revenge for them. (This total misreporting was from Sky News in Britain).  U. S. papers in the legacy press simply are so anti-Israel that they could not report it right. 


These are very dark days, and we need so much prayer support in Israel as we prepare for an attack from Iran.  Some of the weapons that were delayed from the United States are dearly needed now.  Why? Again, the lack of courage and fear of escalation.  God help us, really.  May our Christian supporters have a clear moral vision and make a difference.