In December, I engaged in a debate at Wheaton College with a professor who supports replacement theology regarding the Jewish people. We maintained a friendly tone. However, I do think my position came out stronger. Why? The biblical passages on the election of Israel (Romans 9:1-5, 11:11-16 and 25-29) are so clear and strong that the Catholic Church affirms the election of Israel. (Catechism, paragraph 674). Then there are all the passages on the promise of the Land to the Jewish people. I only used some of these in the debate. When the famed and prominent Old Testament professor and President of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, Walter Kaiser, spoke in Israel and then in Korea for us, he made the statement that there are six million reasons to affirm the restoration to the Land. He was saying that every Jewish person living in Israel (six million and now pushing seven million) is proof. For your blessing, I list 18 passages on Israel’s restoration to the Land for your study. There are more than these. Of course, I only used a few of these in the debate, but they were clear enough. I am amazed at how people seek to explain away these passages. They just can not read the Bible in context and believe what it says.
In historical chronological order.
- Genesis 12:1-3, 15:7 ff., 17:8 beginning of promises of everlasting possession, 28:13 confired to Jacob
- Psalm 105:8-11. The promise of the Land for 1000 generations
- Joel 4: 1-6, 9-202. On regathering and final war
- Amos 9:9-15 On regathering.
- Isaiah 43:5, 6 On regathering
- Isaiah 11:1-9 On Messiah and his judgment, last war
- Isaiah 11:10-12, On regathering
- Isaiah 9:5, 6, The Messiah’s birth and rule
- Isaiah 43:5-7. Regathering from all four directions
- Jeremiah 16:14, 15 On regathering
- Jeremiah 23:3-8. On regathring, and the Messiah (the righteous branch)
- Jeremiah 31 whole chatper but especially, 31-40
- Jeremiah 33:10-26
- Ezekiel 38. Israel regathered and last days war. Some say led by Russia, some say Turkey. This has never happened..
- Ezekiel 39. A different picture of the Last War. Israel is in the Land
- Zechariah 8:22,23. People of the nations turn to Jewish people
- Zechariah 12:1-14. Description of fighting in last war
- Zechariah 14:1-21. Another description of last war, Messiah’s feet on Mt. of Olives. Destruction of armies coming against Israel.