Culture Formation and Social Media

As we come into the New Year, may we see a great cultural shift.

We have seen in the last years that when cultural influences and the culture formation elite use the levers of social media they can radically change the morals and change the direction of the culture. From abortion to critical race theology, to transgenderism, the LGBTQ agenda, to rejecting lifelong marriage is a key to society, the society changed in ways that could not have been anticipated 50 years ago. But it was rapid. A rock song in the early 60s “Band of Gold” sang of lifelong love and fidelity. Some years later the Rolling Stones sang, “Let’s spend the night together.” The people did not come against this change and condemn it. (Yes, of course, some preachers did but they were not forming the culture)

Israel, as well, has been subject to a terrible onslaught of lies in social media and fuels anti-Semitism. Lies about the war in Gaza, Lebanon, and Iran have been ubiquitous.

The recent election gives hope that some of those empowering these trends have lost power, whatever people may or may not think of Donald Trump. What is needed is an army of social media influencers for conservative social values. Social media creates massive change quickly whereas flyers, tracts. and print media of yesteryear took lots of time to build support and influence. Let’s hope for an army of social media culture formation people.

And may we learn to present the Gospel in social media. Let’s promote the wonderful miracle stories of transformed lives, miracles, physical healing and so much more.

My Flight with an Israeli Jewish Atheist

On my recent flight from Israel to the United States, I sat next to an Israeli Jewish atheist who grew up on a kibbutz.  As we talked about Israel, the war, and Israeli and American politics, he noted that he was planning to move with his family to the United States.  His wife is a U. S. citizen.  She is a medical doctor.  He is in hi-tech. Why does he want to move?  Because life in Israel is too expensive, and too difficult in other ways, and there is too much war and terrorism. As an Israeli, I sought to encourage him and persuade him that Israel needs him. No doubt they are a successful couple that has made it.  I got the impression that he does not own his own home and being a Tel Avivian, this is unusual. 

It is true that the Israel government and the developers have mismanaged real estate in Israel so there is not an adequate supply.  This drives up costs and hurts young families. But education and health care are good and very inexpensive in Israel. But overall, costs are way too high. 

However, I sought to share a more divine-purpose perspective.  He professed his belief in evolution, and I sought to show that the naturalistic atheist version of evolution was systematically incoherent.  He was not convinced but was quite indoctrinated. 

A generation ago, the majority of Israelis were atheists who did want to build a model society, especially those from the kibbutz movement.  However, I think my new friend proves the point that over the long haul, atheism will not sustain Israel if Israel is not elect of God and has no divine purpose for the sake of humanity, why sacrifice for Israel?  Why not assimilate and escape antisemitism?  Ethnic pride?  When push comes to shove, either due to war or economic pressures, too many of the atheists and agnostics will abandon Israel and the Zionist vision of having our own state.  This new acquaintance strongly argued for his atheism, pointing to evil and suffering to disprove the existence of a good God.  He does not represent the trend in Israel today.   They are discovering belief in God and even see his protection in the present war. 

I noted not long ago in a Facebook post that one modern Rabbi argued that faith in God was necessary to sustain Israel.   Israel will not be sustained because Israel has a great economy in the world and people can live a nice life, but Israel has a divine purpose in the world.  Most Jews who now believe in God in Israel might celebrate the Feasts or have a Passover celebration but do not want to be under the yoke of Rabbinic Judaism and its focus on keeping the miniate of Rabbinic laws.  Such Jews in Israel are open to reading the Bible and the promises in the prophets of our return to the Land (Isaiah 43, Jeremiah16, 23, Amos 9, Joel 3, and many more passages)  

Though not yet becoming Messianic Jews are Israeli Jews coming to a faith that I have envisioned as a step in the right direction and toward Yeshua.  Yes, this is right now a weak faith, and some may also embrace superstition, some aspects of Eastern religion, and some aspects of paganism, but the God that is being embraced is a personal God who effected the exodus.  Could we persuade them to be Biblical Jews and be committed to believing the Bible and the Laws of God from the Torah that are applicable today without the heavy yoke of Rabbinic Judaism?   Could they also read about God’s grace and forgiveness as taught in the Hebrew Bible?  Could they really become Hebrew Bible Jews?  Could they be interested in the teaching of Yeshua without yet fully embracing the teaching of the New Covenant Scriptures about him and his deity?  Some Christians like Francis Schaeffer used to talk about pre-evangelism.  I wonder if belief in God and the Hebrew Bible could be due to a move of God’s Spirit in preparing people for the Good News of Yeshua.   I think Messianic Jews can have a very fruitful dialogue with the Jewish people of Israel in returning to faith in God.  Sometimes our way into dialogue with secular atheist Jews is to show them the supernatural fulfillments in Israel’s regathering to the Land in our day. 

The Religious Motive and Conflict

Many secular Westerners have great difficulty in dealing with world conflicts because they ignore the religious foundations or motives for such conflicts.   Yes, there are also ethnic motives, and they may overlap with religious motives, but I want to write on the religious motives.  The famous liberal Christian thinker Paul Tillich defined faith as “Ultimate Concern,” the foundational motive that drives us.  People are inherently religious. This includes humanistic people.  Yes, we can note people whose god is “self” and whose drive is for their own ease and pleasure.  But many people have to live for something more. maybe some false idea of seeking justice which they define as equality.  In this regard, the United States Supreme Court defied “Secular Humanism” as a religion.  (Torcaso v Watkins (1961).  Of course, there are different secular humanisms from classical Marxism to the Objectivism of Ayn Rand.  Marx presented a prophetic vision and an eschatology that led to a glorious age of peace, accord, and prosperity.   It is very religious and the commitments to it were at a religious commitment level.  When it failed a famous book, “When Prophecy Fails.” was applied to Marxism.  


Ayn Rand looked for a utopia from free enterprise and one ethical norm, “Do no harm.”   The god of Ayn Rand is the entrepreneur who creates wealth for all as part of a democratic free society.  (See Atlas Shurgged.)  Today we see that commitment to abortion rights, the LGBTQ agenda, and transsexualism are all based on religious views and levels of commitment.  The passions of these movements show religious commitment.  The great philosopher Herman Dooyweeerd showed such religious motives as being ubiquitous.  We see religious motives in the persecution of Christians by Hindus in India, though Hindus do not seek to conquer the world. 


However, this essay is not mostly about the issue of world views and religious motives in general. It is rather that our Western leadership, when not committed to Biblical faith fails again and again to credit and understand the religious motives of world conflicts and why such religious motives, when sick and evil, need to be confronted head-on.  Western diplomats wrongly think that if they go beneath the surface one will find Western values, in the Arab, the Chinese Communist, or the Iranian jihadist. They think they can get a hold of that and find peace, but often the ideologies are only defeated in a great defeat in war or by religious conversion.  The Chinese Communists suppress free speech and Christianity because they want no competition to their religious idealogy.  It parallels the Catholics who used violence to shut down Protestant orientations in the old religious wars.  


I want this essay to emphasize the Middle East and Islam.  We will never grasp what we face unless we absorb the hard truth that for Islamic fascists or jihadists, there is a religious motive to destroy Israel and to take Jerusalem. Nothing else will do and the honor of Mohammed and the god of Islam requires war and strategy to accomplish this whether it takes a year or a hundred years.  All that was in the ruling territory of Islam (Dar Al Islam) has to be recovered.  This means recovering Spain for Islam and parts of Southern and South East Europe.  From there, Islam must go forward to conquer the world.  We see such motives now in the immigrant Muslim populations of Western Europe. Yes, there are reformed Muslims who do not share this worldview. They build their Islam on the more peaceful passages of the Koran. They exist. But the conquering and violent passages are ubiquitous and when movements arise to return Isralm to faithfulness to its origins some will return to violent jihad.  Unless we understand that Israel is up against religious warriors, we will not face what is necessary to fight and overcome this evil religion.  It will take true propaganda and military might.  Those arrayed against Israel, Iran, its proxies, Hezbollah, Hamas, and West Bank radicals. The Houthis, Iraqi jihadists, and jihadists in Syria, all share this foundational religious motive.  It explains why Gazan mothers are happy for their children to be trained to be martyrs.  Because the Devil is behind this ideology, prayer must be a central part of the strategy for Christians. 


It is my conviction that only Biblical faith provides the orientation and strength to defeat the evil worldviews that are opposed to us.  The teaching of Yeshua does not order us to conquer the world by the sword but by the very powerful signs and wonders Gospel of the Kingdom.  Only the Gospel can defeat the ideologies of evil.  When we speak of the Gospel, however, we are speaking of more than just the offer of personal salvation through receiving Yeshua as personal savior.  The Gospel of the Kingdom is more robust and declares Yeshua as Lord over all spheres of society.  This understanding of the Gospel was foundational to the Evangelical Harvard, Wheaton College.  Its founder, Jonathan Blanchard, wrote the Wheaton motto, “For Christ and His Kingdom,’’ that Wheaton would raise up leaders for every sphere of life, to influence all spheres to embrace biblical norms.  It was what compelled Blanchard and Wheaton to join the anti-slavery fight and to be part of the underground railroad for escaped slaves.  It also compelled Charles Finney.  Decades later when Abraham Kuyper became Prime Minister of Holland, he echoed Blanchard and declared that it was his vision that the Law of God would become the Law of the Land.  Kuyper’s embrace of the Gospel of the Kingdom did not reject religious freedom and held a sacred place for the conscience of the individual. 


Today we see a return to Blanchard’s and Kuyper’s views from those who argue that the Gospel of the Kingdom must seek to influence the seven mountains of culture leadership and formation.  As Kuper said, Yeshua claims every square inch of human civilization and there is not one square inch that He does not claim as Lord. This should not be understood as conquering the world before or without the return of Yeshua, which Kuyper did not believe nor did Campus Crusade’s Bill Bright who embraced the Seven Mountains vision. 


When we deal with the Middle East we are dealing with international law and relationships. 


In my view, only the right Biblical faith, understanding the Gospel of the Kingdom, is best and clear enough to overcome the evil religious motivations of Islamic Fascism, Communism, the religion of LGBTQ ism, transgenderism, abortion and child sacrifice, and more. All of these orientations are foundationally religious.  Hence the energy behind them. Only Biblical faith is adequate to defeat them, signs and wonders Gospel of the Kingdom.

Chanukah or Tisha Bav

Daniel Juster, Ph. D. and Senior Shaliach


The War with Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon

Israel still fights the long war in Gaza and soon may fight an all-out war in Lebanon against the Iran proxy, Hezbollah.  However, the overall situation in the Middle East is much more dangerous than we may imagine.  Israel’s liturgical narrative history recounts the depths of despair and defeat in the 9th of Av, the destruction of both Temples, the expulsion from Spain, and the Holocaust.  However, Israel’s narrative also celebrates the extraordinary victories of Passover-Exodus, Purim during Persian rule and Queen Esther, and Chanukah in the war against the Syria Hellenist Seleucids.  This Chanukah we again remember the great victories to save Israel under the leadership of the Maccabees, 167-160 B. C.   Will the present wars lead to another tragedy or an amazing victory?


What We Are Really Up Against 

In the short term, it does not look like another 9th Av.   Israel will ultimately stay in Gaza even if there is a six-week truce.  This truce is very unlikely since Hezbollah has no motive to give up the hostages without a total end to the war.   Israel cannot do that, so we face a grievous and sad reality.  Also, if Israel fully goes to war against Hezbollah in the north to enforce U. N. resolution 1701, that Hezbollah has to remain behind the Litani River in Lebanon and give up its arms so there is one Lebanese army, it will be a very bad situation.  The number of Hezbollah missiles means that there will be devastation in Israel and many deaths, but Hezbollah will be defeated.  If Iran enters the war, we hope the U. S. defends Israel.  Iran was not ready for war and wanted its nuclear bomb first.  This is what we are up against in the short term. 


However, let us note what is not usually described.  Israel is up against many other terrorist entities. 


Explicit Enemies of Israel 

  1. First, there are the Houthis in Yemen who rule much of Yemen.  The weak U. S. government has let them shut down the international sea lanes.  Thomas Jefferson went to war for open seas!  The Biden administration seems pathetically weak.  The Houthis would be easy to defeat by air power.  Israel faces the Houthis, who now send some troops to fight Israel. 
  2. Secondly, Syria allows its country to be a base for Hezbollah and the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corp.  
  3. Then there are the Hezbollah-aligned Shiites of Iraq.
  4. Iran seeks to destroy Israel and leaders have professed that they should use the nuclear bomb against Israel.  This is what Donald Trump meant when he said if Harris is elected, Israel will cease to exist.  He defunded Iran but the Biden administration reversed this and provided hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran that financed her terrorist proxies, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and more.  The biggest gain for changing the Middle East would be regime change in Iran.  


Dangerous Countries at Peace with Israel 

  1. First is Egypt.  It is called a cold peace.  Why?  Egypt’s education system still fosters hatred for Israel.  Egypt’s population is overwhelmingly anti-Israel.  Can the cold peace survive? Egypt allowed the Rapha crossings and border tunnels to be used to arm Hamas to the hilt. 


  1. Second is Jordan.  The situation in Jordan is very much like Egypt.  However, the majority of Jordan is Palestinian and Hamas wants to overthrow the monarchy. Can Jordan remain at peace?  Will the monarchy long survive?


  1. Third is Qatar, which is supposedly an ally of the United States but fosters Hamas and provides refuge for their billionaire leader Mashal and did for their late leader Ismael Haniyeh.  They also foster the Al Jazeera anti-Israel and pro-Hamas Newspaper. 


  1. Fourth is Turkey which now is more and more belligerent against Israel and is pro-Hamas.  Erdogan, Turkey’s leader, says he wants Turkey to lead a world Muslim anti-Israel coalition.  Their Islamist semi-dictator is still allowed to be part of NATO, a travesty.  A regime change in Turkey would be very beneficial to the Middle East and for stemming Islamic fascist terrorism. 


  1. Fifth is Pakistan whose secret service and government allows ISIS connections and pro-Taliban policies. 


Terrorist Populations 

The West cannot get its arms around the fact that the so-called innocent populations are actually terrorist-supporting populations.  Fighting a war against a terrorist-supporting population is a whole different order and there is no way to fight it without significant civilian deaths, especially when they allow themselves to be human shields.  This was somewhat the situation in Germany in World War II, but it is much worse with Islamic Fascism. 


The Feckless West

The feckless West more and more aligns with Israel’s enemies and makes Israel’s defense effort the crime.  The West has imported a fifth column of Islamic Fascists which amazingly ally with the useful idiot leftist.  They take over the streets and campuses and require ending investments in Israel.  Weak college administrators and leftist city councils are likely to give in. 


China and Russia as Allies of Iran

For their own purposes for world domination Russia and China now ally with Iran. 



Well, you get the picture.  It is as if the biblical picture of all nations coming against Israel is beginning to happen.  Credible prophecy teachers see the last wars as Islamic-led.  It is foolish for the Prime Minister to profess his faith in the Israel Defense Forces to save us.  We will need the salvation that only comes from Yeshua.  In God we must trust.  


The last word is presented in the Bible.  It will be the Feasts of victory and Chanukah that will prevail.  Joel 3, Zechariah 12, and14 Ezekiel 38,39, and many more passages show us the end of the story.  This is a time for much prayer, revival, and a great harvest in Israel. 

Mosab Yousef Addresses the EUP

Mosab Yousef, son of Hamas founder Hassan Yousef, recently addressed the European Union Parliament. Mosab is a strong spokesman against Hamas terrorism. 

In his piercing and fiery style, he states that much of what people say about Hamas is detached from reality. From his childhood, Mosab witnessed the atrocities of this terror organization firsthand.  

Here is my summary are some of his salient points:

  • Fundraising – Massive funding from both Arab oil countries and Western liberal nations has gone to the terrorists. This has caused enormous destruction.
  • Narratives – This war is a war of narratives. The truth about the situation has been ignored and twisted because of wrong agendas.
  • No Palestinian Ethnicity – I was told as a child to be Palestinian. But that is not true. We are Arabs. There is no ethnic group called Palestinians. There is no Palestinian language, race, or religion.
  • Colonialism – The Ottomans colonized Palestine. They invaded and ruled from 1517 to 1917. Then the British invaded and ruled from 1917 to 1947. During those two periods, Arabs come to the Land. They were part of the colonial process. Palestine is an invention of the Ottoman and British colonialists. 
  • Jewish Immigration – The Jews who returned to the Land were limited by the two colonial empires. The limitation of Jewish immigration was the real criminal part of the colonial period.
  • No Palestinian Nation – In 1948, the Jews fought to establish their state. There was no Palestinian State between the Ottoman and British empires. There never was a Palestinian State at any time. In the Palestinian colonial entity, there were Arabs, Jews, Christians, Druze, etc. Jews were also “Palestinians.” 
  • Palestinian Ideology – Palestinianism is an ideology. It is a hostile movement to annihilate the Jewish people in the Land. People are in denial of this ideological element of the conflict.
  • Muslim Intimidation – No one is willing to look at the truth because there are more than a billion Muslims who would be angry and violent about any criticism of Islam. 
  • Islamic Belief – The Quran and the Hadith say that the Mahdi (the Muslim end times’ savior) will not come until the Muslims kill all the Jewish people. This is a fundamental belief: Allah chose the Jewish people. They were disobedient. Allah is punishing the Jews. The Muslims are now the sword of Allah to destroy them.  
  • Submission to Islam – This conflict is worldwide, not limited to Palestine. All non-Muslims must submit to Islamic law. All land that belonged to Muslims is forever theirs. For instance, southern Spain was once Muslim, so it still belongs to them. Every mosque in every country is Muslim territory. No Western country can ever close down any mosque lest it bring on a violent international conflict. 
  • Peaceful Religion – Anyone trying to sell the West that Islam is a peaceful religion is lying. It is the very violence of Islam that makes it too controversial even to bring up the topic. However, this ideological dimension is the most important part of the conflict despite everyone’s fear of dealing with it.
  • Yassir Arafat – The person who led the false Palestinian identity and ideology was Yassir Arafat. He was a con artist. He was Egyptian, born in Egypt, with an Egyptian accent, and Egyptian citizenship. Arafat became addicted to money, power, fame, and prestige. 
  • Global Terror – Arafat globalized the idea of terrorism: blew up airplanes, killed Jewish athletes at the Munich Olympics, etc. Political rivals were assassinated. The West cannot understand this terror mentality. They keep giving more finances to assuage it, but that makes it even worse. 
  • Child Manipulation – As a child in the first intifada of 1987, I was told by unknown masked men, hired by Arafat, to leave school and go throw rocks at Israeli tanks at the checkpoints. Palestinian terrorism is anti-children. However, it photographed well to see a child throwing a rock at an Israeli tank. 
  • Free Hostages – On October 7, 2023, Hamas broke through the fence and wiped out 20 peaceful, liberal communities, who believed in coexistence. Hamas murdered and took hostage innocent civilians, mostly farmers. Why is not all the world united around a demand to return the hostages?
  • False Morality – Many are posing as being on higher moral ground, crying “free Palestine,” when they don’t realize they are supporting a false, violent ideology. 
  • Ethnic Cleansing – Genocide is not determined by number of people killed but by the intent. The only people being killed because of their ethnic background in this conflict are the Jews. There have been 1,400 years of Jew hatred in Islam.   Islam is a religious majority that wants to kill a religious minority, the Jews.
  • Civilian Victims – Israel has done everything in its power to reduce civilian casualties. They even alerted civilians two weeks before a military action to allow civilians to evacuate. The civilian victims in Gaza are a result of Hamas hijacking schools, hospitals, aid centers, and mosques. Hamas did not leave any safe zones in Gaza for civilians. They purposely used civilians as human shields, sacrificing them in order to make Israel look bad.
  • Numbers of Casualties – Are there 40,000 casualties in Gaza? No one really knows. There are no official counts, and no death certificates. Humanitarian agencies just accept what Hamas tells them. The numbers may be greatly exaggerated in order to discredit Israel. 
  • Equal Rights – There are no equal rights in Islam. Women are seen as property. Suppression of women leads to other types of oppressive behavior. Muslims want to come to the West to enjoy the freedom there. But you can only have equal rights if you respect the rights of others. 

Whether one agrees with Mosab or not, his perspective must be considered seriously because his life experience is unique and authentic. His testimony is valid because of its authenticity. 


My leftist friends (and I do have a few) accuse Israel of genocide.  This is because of the pictures of civilians, women, and children killed in Gaza.  However, not only is the definition of genocide abused by them, but the figures of civilian deaths are exaggerated.  In an Orwellian reversal, those nations and parties calling for the genocide of the Jews are given a pass, and Israel defending itself against genocide is called the perpetrator of genocide. 

Here is the definition of genocide in the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (No. 9, 1948).  

Genocide is the carrying out of one or more of five specific war crimes with the “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious groups.”  

It includes killing people simply because they are members of a group.  The second is “causing bodily or mental harm to members of the group.”  Inflicting “conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction,” preventing births, and abducting children.”  

One can readily see how this definition is so connected to the Nazi regime in Germany.  

Let’s then look at Gaza.  South Africa (very anti-Israel due to Israel’s relationship with the apartheid regime in the past) asserts in its war crimes case before the International Criminal Court, that Israel deliberately killed 23,570 innocent Gazans.  Hamas claims the number is 41,000.  But Professor Abraham Wyner, a statistics professor at the University of Pennsylvania, notes that these figures are wrong.  Even the U.N. has not accepted these figures and asserts the lower number. Hamas blames every death in Gaza on the Israel Defense Force and does not distinguish between civilian and military deaths.  Estimates are also that friendly fire deaths from Hamas misfired rockets are many,  plus natural deaths of 2.9 percent average would be 6,200 plus.  We are looking at over 8,000.  The estimate is that 17,000 Hamas soldiers have been killed.  

Adding all this up, the non-combatant deaths in Gaza are close to 1.2% which is far lower to the average of 1.9% in modern urban warfare.  John Spencer, the West Point urban war expert, notes this as the lowest percentage in urban war in history. On the issue of babies, 5,522 babies have been born per month in Gaza according to Save the Children NGO.  The pre-war rate was 4,783.  

These statistics are in spite of the fact of the massive human shield operation by the terrorist Hamas organization.  We see the same strategy with Hezbollah.  Seek genocide against Israel while gaining the worlds sympathy when human shields are killed.  It brings us to Golda Meier’s famous statement that peace will come when the terrorists are more concerned about protecting their children than killing ours. (my slight paraphrase) NO, THERE IS NO GENOCIDE BY ISRAEL, NOT EVEN CLOSE. 

But where is the UN on real genocide against the Kurds, Syria, Darfur from Sudan.  South Africa leader posed with the Sudan general Daglo who murdered 15,000 beloinging to the ethnic minority.  Turkey exacts a terrible toll on innocent Kurds. Where is their self-determination?  The Syria kills over 500,000.  But the world is largely silent but very loud against Israel.


I was aided in research by Iam Neubauer.  His article in the Oct. 25 Jerusalem Post gave a good summary. 

Why Israel Does Not now accept a Two-State Solution

Three attempts were made for a two-state solution. First was the attempt during the administrations of Barak and Clinton. Clinton told Arafat that he made him a failure.  Arafat walked away and started an uprising/intifada. Then A. Sharon tried unilateral withdrawal, which would lead to a two-state solution. Gaza was completely freed.  He hoped this would be a first step and then he would do the same with his chosen areas of the West Bank.  He had a stroke and never was able to finish his plan.  Hamas kicked out The Palestinian Authority, killed several of them, and then turned Gaza into a military base to destroy Israel.  Effort #2 failed.  Olmert and Abbas worked on effort #3.  He offered 97% of the West Bank and land swaps for the other 3%.  He offered East Jerusalem as the capital for them. Abbas walked away and made Bush a failure as well.  This led to the death of the left as a serious power in Israel.  Her parties have less than 10% of the vote now.

The reason why the great majority of Israelis reject a two-state solution is that they know for sure that such a state would become a radical Hamas military base like Gaza.   Therefore their solution is autonomy.  Israel keeps overall security, the Palestinians in the West Bank have passports from Jordan or Israel but no citizenship, no army, and no statehood.  It would be like Puerto Rico.  They would choose local governments and the Palestinian government but not have a state.  The West Bank would have Jewish areas and Palestinian autonomous zones.  This is the best we can hope for but it is a long shot for there to be any solution.  Also, Palestinian education would have to be deradicalized.

Dwelling in a Sukkah: The Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)

Leviticus 23 summarizes Israel’s Holy Days. 


39 “‘So beginning with the fifteenth day of the seventh month, after you have gathered the crops of the land, celebrate the festival to the Lord for seven days; the first day is a day of sabbath rest, and the eighth day also is a day of sabbath rest  On the first day you are to take branches from luxuriant trees—from palms, willows and other leafy trees—and rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days. 41 Celebrate this as a festival to the Lord for seven days each year. This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come; celebrate it in the seventh month. 42 Live in temporary shelters for seven days: All native-born Israelites are to live in such shelters 43 so your descendants will know that I had the Israelites live in temporary shelters when I brought them out of Egypt. I am the Lord your God.’”


So much of Israel’s celebration is based on memory and re-enactment.  Faith was based on the foundation of the wonderful works God had done in Israel’s history.  Despite the discipline of wandering in the desert for 40 years due to Israel’s disobedience, the period was still one of miraculous provision.  Israel ate supernatural food and had the supernatural provision of lasting clothes.  The eighth day following the seven days of the feast was a day of special assemblies.  Rabbinic Judaism urges our people to keep all in the Torah that does not require the Temple.  We can still live in a Sukkah for 7 days.  We can still take the species and wave them before the Lord proclaiming his provision and sovereignty over the world.  On the 8th day in Israel and the day after in the Diaspora, we celebrate the end and the beginning of the readings of the Torah.  It is wonderful to celebrate the Feasts in Israel. The climate for harvests and celebrations is part of the timing of Holy Days. 


However, there are some amazing other features. Numbers 29:12-29 describes the national sacrifices to be brought during the Feast.  It was noted by the Rabbis that the number sacrificed over a week added up to 70 bulls. This number represents all the nations of the World (this is from Genesis and the nations noted after the Tower of Babel).  The idea is that Israel is the priestly people who interceded for all nations and offered salvation for the nations.  This connects to the many passages of the Prophets and the Psalms that proclaim that all nations will come to the knowledge of God, and that will be accomplished through events of the last days taking place in Israel.  Sukkot thus celebrates the vision for all nations to be in the Kingdom of God as we read in Zechariah 14.  After that final war against Israel, all nations will celebrate the Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)


One other reasonable speculation is that Yeshua (Jesus) was born on Sukkot and circumcised on the 8th day.  The calculation for the time of Zechariah the Priest, the pregnancy of his wife, and then Miriam months later with Yeshua fits well with the time of Sukkot and also fits a feast period when there would be no room in the Inn. He took upon him the tent of a human body in the Incarnation. 


We rejoice during this Feast despite a terrible time of war in our Land against fierce enemies.  In the midst of this Feast and war, we are now planning to begin the full-time program for Jerusalem Bible Institute. 

Chabad Rabbi Calls for Change in Israeli Public Education

The lead Chabad Rabbi in Tel Aviv put a large ad in the Jerusalem Post’s weekend edition.  In it, he decried secular education in Israel that was leading Jews in Israel away from believing in the Torah, the Exodus, the God of the Bible, and Israel’s election. This, he argued, would undercut the state of Israel and its passion for its survival and prosperity.  He then pointed to a million Israelis who have left Israel and are assimilating in the West more than the Diaspora Jews themselves.  There are other factors for leaving; one is the high cost of living, especially housing, and the super high prices are connected to a corrupt system here.

But of course, the Rabbi was right but ignored the elephant in the room.  If Israelis return to faith in the Torah, they yet do not want to return to Halacha, to the minutiae of Rabbinic Orthodox practices and constraints.  Conservative and Reform Judaism maintain traditions but do not really believe the Biblical supernatural events really happened.  So in Israel, Orthodox Rabbinic Judaism is the only choice, is the state religion, and in charge of all marriages and conversions.  Reform and Conservative are super tiny here.

Messianic Judaism is the best answer to the dilemma.  We bring people back to faith in the Bible and the election of Israel. We also have a wise approach to Rabbinic Halacha.  We evaluate it by the whole Bible and do not feel compelled to submit to it but affirm that which is good.   Sadly, many Messianic Jews in Israel are not that Jewish in orientation, unlike in the Diaspora, for they are more Evangelicals in the Hebrew language. More change is needed.

However, short of becoming Messianic Jews, could there be a new Judaism?

In the Land that respects the Torah, the Prophets,  and the good things in the Jewish heritage without coming under the constraints of Rabbinic Halacha.  I would love to see someone work on that as well.

The West Shows Lack of Moral Courage in the Face of Ideologies of Terrorism 

We see this in the response to the killing of Ismail Haniyeh and the idea that he was negotiating for hostages and should not have been killed.  But he was responsible for hundreds of deaths and then the 1200 killed on October 7.  I would love to see a doctrine in the West and Israel that terrorist leaders forfeit their right to live and are legitimate targets.  That would include Iranian leaders. 


Two articles in the Jerusalem Post Weekend edition noted the lack of moral courage in the West.  The Biden administration allows Iran to be supplied with tens of billions of dollars even now through evading oil sanctions and this finances their proxies and terrorism.  The idea of living with terrorist nations and having accommodations is foolish and temporary and will lead to much greater loss.  They are pledged to destroy the United States and the West. Believe them!  The lesson of appeasement with Hitler has not been learned. One article by strategic think tank thinker David Weinberg was especially powerful.  I read him every week. It was entitled “Getting strategically “unstuck.”  The West accommodates Iran.   Israel sought to accommodate Hamas and Hezbollah and find ways to just live with them.  Iran should never have been permitted to move toward an atomic bomb and regime change should have been policy.  Israel’s policy should be that no terror regime will be allowed to rule in a nation on the border of Israel.  Also, any nation threatening Israel’s existence is a legitimate military target.  Weinberg hopes that the killing of Haniyeh will now open the way to get unstuck since Iran’s response and Israel’s response to that get us unstuck.  Even a pre-emptive strike before that response comes to full fruition gets Israel unstuck as painful as that will be.  Finally, Israel seems delivered from its delusion of living with Hamas Hezbollah on its border.  


A second amazing article was by Marziyeh Amirzadeh, an Iranian now in the United States.  She was arrested and sentenced to death for converting to Christianity.  The article did not say how she escaped after 9 months in prison, but her husband and best friend were tortured and lost their lives. Here she rightly rails against a Jewish Israeli historian, Alon Ben Meir.  He writes about the opportunity to get along with a more moderate Iran now that a more moderate President has been elected, President Pezeshkian.  What a delusion!  But this is window dressing for the West.  She is stunned that Israel allowed Hamas to be funded and armed and now the West falls for such a foolish response to Iran.  Iran is totally under the Ayatollah and no other official will make a difference. When they tell you what they want to do believe them and fight them before they have great power.  But as Weinberg says, the West has lost its moral courage.  Is it possible that this loss is rooted in postmodern leftism that cannot grasp a battle of good against evil?  Morals have fallen to a terrible degree.    


One other article also showed the moral bankruptcy of the West.  Gil Hoffman reports on news coverage of the terror missile bombing on the Druze Village of Majdal Shams in the Golan.  In several major papers, what happened just was not represented.  It was emphasized that this was occupied territory.  It is not.  Tell the Druze who live there and are pro-Israel.  The articles did not clearly note the Hezbollah attack and wrote as if Israel was somehow responsible and that this was a response to Israel’s attack on Hamas and Haniyeh.  One writer noted that when Netanyahu visited after the attack he was shouted at (as if they were anti-Israel) but their shouts were demanding that he take revenge for them. (This total misreporting was from Sky News in Britain).  U. S. papers in the legacy press simply are so anti-Israel that they could not report it right. 


These are very dark days, and we need so much prayer support in Israel as we prepare for an attack from Iran.  Some of the weapons that were delayed from the United States are dearly needed now.  Why? Again, the lack of courage and fear of escalation.  God help us, really.  May our Christian supporters have a clear moral vision and make a difference.