Three books which I mentioned in a past article argue that Islam will be the final Antichrist movement and the opponents of God’s people in the final battle in the Last Days.  George Otis Jr. argued this in the Last of the Giants and looked at the powers of darkness behind Islam as the last and greatest powers in opposition to Yeshua and his Kingdom.  Otis majored in spiritual warfare in this book.  Dr. Brad Long of Presbyterian Renewal Ministries takes a similar spiritual warfare direction in his writings. Then in more recent years, Walid Shoebat in God’s War on Terror and in several other books presents this case, that Islam will be the last Antichrist power before the return of Yeshua. Joel Richardson makes a similar case in his The Islamic Antichrist. 


The Case for Islamic Fascism being the Last Day Power under the Antichrist

Generally, the argument is put forth that Islam presents a false Messiah that supersedes Yeshua.  It denies that Yeshua came in the flesh which is the Antichrist spirit according to John in I John 4:3 and has become the primary persecutor of Christians around the world. Islam is the great cult that broke from Christianity. In addition, Richardson and Shoebat argue that the lineup of the nations against Israel in the Last Days Wars is Islamic.  Both argue that we have to look out from Israel as the center and not the United States or Europe.  Then the lineup of nations is clear.  They argue as historian Dr. Edwin Yamauchi, formerly of Rutgers and then Miami University in Ohio, that the northern power fits Turkey more than Russia and these ancient tribes of Ezekiel 38, 39 were in Turkey.  Some of those who hold to the traditional view that Russia is in view in these chapters believe that these tribes moved north to Russia.  Yet the case of Shoebat and Richardson does have to be weighed and is a serious proposal.  However, I am not in this article centering on the exegesis of the Biblical texts but want the center to emphasize Islam and especially the more radical Islamic Fascism.  I did review a book on this platform by that name by a former Islamic fascist, Hamed Abdel-Samad.  Shoebat also was a former radical Muslim. 


Defining Islamic Fascism 

What do I mean by Islamic Fascism?  Like Nazi Fascism, it is a worldview with a foundational doctrine of seeking to take over the world by any means that will work.  This includes immigration, war, manipulation, and more.  All strategies and actions that advance Islamic rule are legitimate.  Islamic Fascism does seek to be rational concerning what strategy is best at the time and does not want to engage in war pre-maturely which would lead to defeat.  However, power assertion and violence are foundational and legitimate as means of extending their fascist rule. 


In addition, Islamic Fascism produces governments that are ruled by authoritarian or dictatorial regimes. Islamic Fascism has embraced the most extreme traditions of the suppression of women, unlike more moderate countries like Indonesia. However, Islamic Fascism seeks to supplant the moderate Muslim governments.  It is well to note what happens to women after the fascists take over.  They are at least head covered and, in some cases, covered to the point that only eye slits are allowed.  They live in movable tents. In Afghanistan, they have brought women into bondage and ended education for them.  The United States leaders will someday have to account for their cruel abandonment. Western feminists hardly voice any concern about the greatest oppression of women on the planted today. 


The Simple Theology and Eschatology

Islamic Fascism has a simple theology.  They proclaim that there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.”  Mohammed is the number one leading prophet in all of history in this view. The way to the best world is to force all infidels to become Muslim or die or if there is some mercy to submit to servitude and live as second class.  It at best then produces a true apartheid system for non-believers and women. 


Islam has its one eschatology and vision of the Last Days wars when Islam will triumph over all. In addition, the Shiites, or 12th’ers believe in the return of the 12 leaders of Shiite Islam during a cataclysmic war to bring Islam to victory.  Some believe that Iran would start such a war in the hope of deliverance. Iran is the primary force for the Shiite version of Islamic Fascism. They partner with Sunni Fascists, but this is pragmatic.  Ultimately, they would have to fight it out in the future and historically were very at odds.


Anti-Israel, Jewish, and Anti-Christian

Islamic Fascists are virulently against Israel and the Jewish people.  They also are vehemently against Christians and have slaughtered them in Nigeria, Kenya, and multiple other nations.  Even in Mozambique, the Bakers in Iris Ministries have lost leaders to Islamic barbarism. One leading pastor was beheaded. 


Israel right now is fighting a war against Islamic Fascism. This is a better term than terrorism since terror is a strategy, not the foundational worldview.  Iran, the Houthis, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Shiite Fascists of Iraq and Syria, and more surround Israel. They are all Islamic Fascists.


The Weakness of the West

The West is weak and in danger of defeat when they will not face the ideology of the enemy or even name it rightly.  In addition, they do not recognize in the present war, that any agreement is temporary until the Islamic Fascists attain sufficient power to attack again.  The issue with the Gaza war is not only their military but that the population is brainwashed by the Fascists and mostly embrace the worldview. 


Their Simple and Powerful Theology

Their theology is simpler and easier to understand theology than Naziism.  It is more dangerous as it motivates its people with the promise of eternal rewards.  It is growing and more and more are being radicalized. One submits to God and Islamic law for eternal rewards.


Russia and China in Alliance

Russia and China allied themselves with the Fascists to weaken the West, but their turn will come someday.  It is an alliance of convenience.  Amazing how the Islamic Fascists give China a pass on the destruction of their Muslim minority, but it is all part of the pragmatism!


Should the West go to War

Should the West go to war to defeat Islamic Fascist nations?  Yes, and the longer the West waits the worse it will be. Even now these fascists are a fifth column in many Western nations. But ultimately this war has to be won by prayer and by supernatural miracles in the preaching of the Gospel.  What level of power will be poured out on God’s people to resist this?  Much more than we now see. If the Book of Revelation is rightly interpreted, it points to revival and a great harvest as well as martyrdom.  But we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony and love not our lives even to death.  (Rev. 12:11) 


Yes, Islamic Fascism may be the Last Days’ power of evil to oppose Yeshua and his people, His Kingdom.