The Law of the Lord is Perfect Restoring the Soul (Ps. 19:7)

Ps. 19:7 in some translations says, “the law of the Lord revives the soul”, whereas other versions say “restores the soul”. The Hebrew can be translated both ways and probably includes both. Soul can be understood as the person, but in my understanding is a reference to the person in his thinking, feeling and willing. Wholeness from a God perspective would be intended. 

This verse is a key for our modern problem of disintegration. We are living in a time in the west where the individual and the society is in disintegration. This is a manifestation of rebellion against God as described in Romans 1, where human beings claiming to be wise become fools and worship the creature rather than the creator. As such, a reprobate mind is the result.   

One great manifestation of this disintegration is in transgenderism. How is it that a biological male can now identify as a female and visa versa? How is it that we have come to give hormones to prevent normal puberty?  How is it that we cut off natural and well-functioning organs, breasts, genitals and sometimes replace them with non-functioning copies of the opposite sex genitals? How is it that men compete in women’s sports and change in women’s locker rooms? And the younger in schools?

With regard to using preferred pronouns to affirm transgender people, we even use they for those with what used to be called multiple personality disorder. Integrating different aspects of a person into one integrated person was normal in the goal of psychiatry. Now we affirm them not only in those who claim to be non-binary (sometimes more male and sometimes more female) but embrace even multiple personalities. We call these “they.” Thank God the pronoun you can be singular or plural! 

But there are other symptoms of social disintegration. The majority of students in poor communities graduate and are still illiterate. Crime is rampant but it is considered racist to stop the crime and prosecute criminals. The poor suffer the most from the crime! Then the homeless who are drug addicted take over parks and sidewalks.  Businesses and stores close. No one seems to know what to do or how to care for them. There does not seem to be enough money, and forced shelter is said to be wrong. Then marijuana is legalized, and studies say it is indicated in mental illness. 

What is the ultimate philosophy behind this? It is the idea that each person can look within and intuit their authentic meaning and define themselves. It is a radical idea of freedom first developed 65 years ago by French existentialism. It is based on nothing but a self-description from philosophers looking within. Jean Paul Sartre embraced this radical idea but said it does lead to nausea since such radical freedom leaves one ungrounded and feeling faint! His solution was to hold to one’s decision as if it were an absolute given. 

It is no surprise that this social and individual disintegration leads many to depression, drugs, and suicide. It is personal and social disintegration at a mass level which disintegration is supported by radical politicians and the culture elite in our universities.  

The biblical answer is the Gospel. The Gospel says we are created in the image of God and do not self-define. We are redeemed by Yeshua. We give up radical freedom for a freedom that lives within boundaries. There are guard rails! God creates us male and female. He creates us for monogamous marriage. He defines what is lawful and what is not. In submission to God, we submit to his Law by the power of the Spirit.  Truly the Law of the Lord or the Instruction of the Lord restores the soul. The individual and then the society becomes integrated or restored.  In that restoration is peace and prosperity. As Billy Graham said in his 90s, “I know who I am, and I know where I am going.” He gives us the grace to be male and female even if traumas and abuse turn us toward wanting to be something else, for in his power we can embrace the way He made us. May we be examples, joy filled people who attract people because we have been revived and restored. 

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