Who Dominates the Media

I was planning to write this post when Bill O’Reilly wrote a commentary that partly covered my concerns.  He opined that the reason the Republicans did not do better in the election was that the dominant media magnified the talking points of the Democrats and did not do their job as news media to question these talking points.  Non-stop we were told that a Republican victory was a victory for extremism, the end of Democracy, the extension of racism, a danger to Social Security and Medicare, a national ban on abortion (which would require a super majority of the Senate and the President’s signature and will not happen.)  Of course, conservative media sought to refute such claims, but conservative media is still much less powerful than the dominant media.

The dominant media distorts and suppresses the truth.  We see this with the doctors of the Great Barrington Declaration, top doctors who were canceled, who promoted a more reasonable response to Corona.  We see it in the narrative on global warming or climate change.  There is not sober quality of evaluation as in Bjorn Lomberg’s great book False Alarm, where he does say human caused global warming is a real problem but that the direction of world political leaders will make things worse and lead multitudes to death and poverty.  The actual UN panel in charge of the science is being misrepresented by political and media leaders.  We see it in the fostering of gender transitions for children that does not deal with trauma, abuse, and other factors that could solve the problem with proper treatment.  Gender diaspora has now become trendy among teens.  Why? The influence of social media and the domination of a corrupt elite in medicine, education and politics. 

Sometime ago I wrote about the fact of leading philosophers and scientists, former atheists and still professing agnostics, concluding that the macro theory of evolution in all its present iterations is impossible.  This is an astonishing and amazing story that cannot get any traction in media.  Media also gives no traction to major bonified and proven miracles that are taking place world-wide.  The media gives no attention to the persecution of Christians world-wide and the terrible atrocities of radical Islamists (Nigeria)

Add to all this the cancel culture and the vicious response toward those who do not hold to the received contemporary views, many of which are anti-biblical. 

How can we break through?  First, we need to see alternative media displace more and more of the dominant media, both news-media and social media. This is a tall order, but also a matter for much prayer.  Conservative media is growing, and in my view, more objective.  In education, it will take the failure of many present schools and colleges and building alternatives.  Secondly, a true revival does have the power to breakthrough at levels such that media cannot ignore it.   God has his own ability to break the media stranglehold that suppresses true information or at least does not connect to it.  When there is a revival that leads to mass evangelistic growth in a nation, with real miracles, it cannot be ignored.  It can grow by word of mouth and invitation such that it transcends the normal media but then breaks through in media.  May we see this in our days.