“I Do Not Need to Be in a Congregation”

This statement is a representation of not only many young people today, but of even some older people who are in their senior years of disillusionment with congregational life as they experienced it. Yet, it is so very different than …

Love is Patient by Patty Juster

The old man stroked his beard as he stood in the middle of the road. His eyes squinted in the bright sunlight. It appeared that he had done this many times before as his eyes were deeply grooved with wrinkles. …

Sirens Blaring by Patty Juster

Sirens blaring, wildly proclaiming Evil has unleashed her fury and people cry All wonder, “Is it my child, my friend now dying?” Now wounded, now maimed, they’re chosen not knowing why. Beneath the angry stares of the nations railing A …

Love Weeps with those who Weep by Patty Juster

A large crowd of women and children were huddled together, trying to keep warm. Their thin coats provided little protection against the late autumn wind and rain. Many could be seen striking their folded arms against their bodies to try …

Love is a Gift by Patty Juster

THE COST OF LOVE, THE PRICE OF FREEDOM A small boy pressed his nose against a frost-covered windowpane, trying to get a closer look.  He had smelled the odors of fresh pastries and roasting turkey wafting from the house and …

Love Hurts by Patty Juster

The emergency room of the hospital bustled with too much activity.  The noise and confusion seemed too intense for so early on this Sunday morning.  Huddled into a corner sat a young mother and father.  They were sitting facing each …