Does Israel Have a Distinct Place in the Age to Come?

There are so many texts that assert a glorious place for Israel in the Age to come.  Space only allows us to quote a few.

Judah will be inhabited forever and Jerusalem through all generations.(Joel 3:20)

I will bring back the captivity of my people Israel; they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. They will plant vineyards and drink their wine; They will make gardens and eat their fruit. I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them, says the Lord your God. (Amos 9:13-15)

In the last days the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as chief among the mountains, and will be raised above the hills, and all nations will stream to it.   Many peoples will come and say, “Come let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob.  He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths. The law will go out form Zion, the word of the LORD form Jerusalem.  He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. (Isaiah 2: 1-4)

These scriptures seem to describe conditions on a renewed Earth, not in Heaven.

Note the parallel in Isaiah 11.  After the sword comes from the anointed of the LORD, the Messiah, and He slays the wicked, we read in vv. 4-9:

The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, The calf and the lion and the yearling together, and a little child will lead them.  The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, And the lion will eat straw like the ox. The infant will play near the hold of the cobra, and the young child put his hand into the viper’s nest. They will not hurt or destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.

This description again is of a renewed Earth.

Isaiah 2Isaiah 19:20-24,  Isaiah 6566,  Zechariah 14Malachi , Rev. 11Acts 15Romans 15Rev. 21.  These passages describe a real world with real people who are wonderfully distinct.  The Age to Come is best understood as all goodness, beauty and truth that we have known in this world, redeemed and enhanced at an amazing level beyond our comprehension.

Zechariah 14 says that all nations will come up to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feat of Tabernacles.  Those who do not go up will not have rain on their lands.  This does not seem to fit the everlasting Age of Consummation—ie, the eternal state in a new heavens and a new earth.

In addition, there are promises of a restored Levitical Priesthood and a restored Temple.  (Ezekiel 40-48Jer. 33:17-18)

This idea of a restored Temple where sacrifices are offered is the most difficult of the millennial text for people whose sensibilities cannot embrace the literal idea.  Even some pre-millennialists cannot embrace it.

For pre-millennial thinkers, Revelation 20 provides an interpretive key to these passages, Satan is bound for 1000 years and the martyrs live again.  They rule and reign with Messiah for 1000 years.

If those who have embraced Yeshua are the Bride of the Messiah, then who are the guests at the wedding?  If we rule with him, who are the ruled?

How will the 12 apostles of Yeshua sit on thrones and judge the 12 tribes of Israel?

We could go on and on.   However, one can see how only a pre-millennial view ties together these many passages and makes the symbolism more coherent.  We also believe that there is an application of these same truths to every tribe, tongue and nation in the Millenium.  The literal fulfillment of prophecies to the nation of Israel causes most Messianic Jews to embrace pre-millennialism—exactly what was believed by the Apostolic church for the first few centuries.

“I Do Not Need to Be in a Congregation”

This statement is a representation of not only many young people today, but of even some older people who are in their senior years of disillusionment with congregational life as they experienced it. Yet, it is so very different than what would have been stated decades ago both by Jews and Christians. At that time the idea of being a part of a congregation was not based on a person’s perception of what he or she needed, but rather on what God required. God was understood as the great King who was to be feared. Yes, He is loving, but flouting his will was considered very dangerous. So the idea was common, that if one was to walk in the blessing and protection of God, we had better find out what his will is and conform our lives to that will. The question was not “what do I need?” but “what does the Lord require of me”?

One cannot fairly read the New Covenant Scriptures without seeing that God requires all who claim to be followers of Yeshua to be committed to a congregation where they are to be submitted to a qualified eldership as the shepherds and overseers of their lives (I Peter 5:1-5). We can begin with all the texts that speak of the responsibility of congregational members to their elders, from submitting to them (Hebrews 13:717), being instructed by them (I Tim. 3Titus 1) and exercising the gifts of the Spirit in a context of gatherings that assume their oversight and discernment (I Cor. 1214).

In addition, one should not determine their true needs without the revelation of God. It is like a car. We may think it is running fine. The idea that I have to take it to the shop for regular maintenance doesn’t seem to be needed. I pass the recommended standard and all seems to be running fine, until one day the engine freezes up and after being towed to the shop, I am told I “need” a new engine.

However, as God sees us, and in his definition of need, we truly need congregational life and eldership oversight. Here is why:

  1. God expects us to be in submission to an eldership to whom were are accountable so that we might be taught and grow into the likeness of the Messiah. I know of no one who professes faith who has ever gotten very far in this without congregational life. For in the ups and downs of life together in a congregation, in forgiving, submitting, and serving, we grow. We need congregational life to fulfill the Biblical demand to be conformed to Yeshua. We need congregation to grow in character.
  2. We need a congregation to grown in our exercise of the gifts of the Spirit.
  3. We need a congregation to bring regular corporate worship before God. This is both our responsibility as part of his corporate Temple and as part of intercessory responsibility as his priesthood.
  4. We need a congregation so we might be taught and mentored by those who have attained what we have not yet attained. This includes everything from marriage and family life, to personal devotion. Plus, the Bible says that God has given five kinds of gifted people, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to equip us for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:11ff). But they cannot equip us if we are not in congressional life and submitted to their gifting to equip us.
  5. We need a congregation to fulfill God’s command and to walk in the fear of God and to be assured of his blessing. If we are in known disobedience here, we cannot expect His blessing on our lives.

Approaching the Bible’s Teaching on Healing – Part 1

In the 1980s, Asher and I studied the subject of healing with great intensity. We studied the most prominent teachers on what the Bible teaches about healing. We ourselves saw some really amazing, outstanding healings, but also some very disappointing sicknesses that eventually ended in death.

Our close friend Dr. Michael Brown is perhaps one of the greatest experts on the subject of Biblical healing. He received his Ph. D. from New York University for his thesis on healing in the Hebrew Bible. This was made into an important book entitled Israel’s Divine Healer.

Here are three very common views on healing:

  1.  While our ordinary immune system from God brings healing and is a gift from God, supernatural miraculous healing and creative miracles of restoration are very rare. We can and should always pray for such miracles, but in the normal course of the life of believers, diseases and terminal illnesses will take their normal course for both believers and non-believers. This is the human situation after the fall. This is the primary view of non-charismatics that includes many Israeli, Messianic Jewish leaders.
  2. We are to pray for healing. If we pray for healing as a regular practice and submit to opportunities for praying for healing, we will see much more supernatural healing. However, we need to trust God and know that ultimately healing is a matter of God’s sovereignty. The best thing we can do to believe for healing is to walk in fellowship with God, avoid sin, and live in trusting relationship while availing ourselves of healing prayer. This is the Vineyard view that was taught by John Wimber.
  3. Healing is always God’s will. If we will give ourselves to God in the right way, meditate on the Scriptures on healing, and confess them as God’s certain promises, we should always be healed. God’s promise of healing is absolute, so if a person does not receive supernatural healing, the failure to receive is the person’s failure to build his faith to receive it. Faith for healing is something that a person is responsible to acquire. This is the view of the Word of Faith movement teachers: the late Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Andrew Womack and many others. For these brothers, if the promise is not absolute and obtainable then it undercuts the building faith to receive the healing.

Our view does not fully fit into any of these three. We can summarize our view by the following that is according to Dr. Brown’s book. Healing is the general will of God for his obedient people, but one can not make this a universal law and conclude that it is God’s absolute will to heal in every single case. We can know that it is God’s general will to heal on the basis of the following:

  1. The promises to Israel for physical health if they would live an obedient life. This includes deliverance from “the sicknesses of Egypt,” miscarriages and the blessing of living a long life.
  2. The inclusion of sicknesses as being healed in the atonement of Yeshua, as in the Isaiah 53:“he bore our sicknesses…by His stripes we are healed.”
  3. The healing ministry of Yeshua is a manifestation of the will of God for people.
  4. The conclusive statement of Peter on the atonement, that “He Himself bore our sins on the tree, by his stripes you have been healed,” is not only spiritual but physical healing.
  5. In times of revival and heightened spiritual fervor and awareness, healing is much more frequent. Note for example Pensacola, the early Vineyard movement and in the Bethel Church of Bill Johnson.
  6. However, though healing is God’s general will, we see in the death of Elisha and the sickness of some in the New Covenant Scriptures, that healing is not an absolute promise for every case at all times.
  7. The kind of faith that moves mountains is a “God kind of faith” that only God can ultimately grant. He indeed usually grants us the faith we need for what we are called to do and this usually includes faith for healing.

So what do we learn from this? Part 2 coming soon!

Approaching the Bible’s Teaching on Healing – Part 2

If you missed last week’s introductory article to this subject, be sure to catch up on what you missed!

When a person is told that the reason he or she is not healed is always his or her fault, and this also includes tragic accidents and death, we believe this is wrong teaching. The reason a person is not healed may be that they did not build a life of faith through the Word, but it also may not be so. At any point a person can repent, seek God and immerse himself or herself in the Word. Of course, if the person had faith according to Mark 11:24 they have what they ask. However, a person cannot fully determine that they will have that kind of faith. It has to be granted by God. So we would rather talk about what a person can do to maximize the potential of healing and to rest in God if the healing does not come.

1. First we counsel people to place themselves in the hands of God and submit to him as LORD. They should confess all known sin, curses, bitterness, un-forgiveness and generational curses that may not have been renounced in our early discipleship. (This is implied by James.)

2. Secondly, they should take the Lord’s Supper. It has healing power.

3. They should call the elders to anoint with oil and pray for healing. (James)

4. They should focus their mind on their destiny in eternal life and the Age to Come and be fully given to the Hope of their ultimate destiny. Thereby they defeat the fear of death.

5. They meditate on the goodness of God and Messiah and on the Biblical promises of healing to give opportunity for God to grant healing faith. So there is something that we can do, but it does not assure us of the absolute certainty of healing. However, we can maximize opportunity for building receptive faith.

6. They avail themselves of Spirit led opportunities for conferences, healing ministries etc. This should be prayed about and led by the Spirit without a frantic pursuit of healing ministers and conferences.

7. They do well to avoid pronouncements that they are healed. In addition, we seek to preclude well-meaning people form pronouncing healing or from leading the congregation into the intensity of standing in an absolute way for such healing and then the possible crash that comes as a result.

8. Yet we do avail ourselves of proven prophets that can speak a word into the situation, and grounds that need to be broken and other possible pronouncements. The situation of my youngest son is a case in point. The first time he was taken ill at 1 year old with a fatal heart disease, the doctors gave no hope and said he would die. Credible prophets spoke the word that he would be totally healed and recover. We saw the most amazing supernatural recovery. 11 years later, when he was on life support, we organized the most intensive prayer for his healing. This was confirmed by mature prophets, but not one mature prophet could get a word from God that he would be healed, raised from the dead, etc. So we knew that while we were battling, we could not rest on any clear prophetic word. Though we read Scripture promises, God did not grant us the faith to raise him up.

So let us all pray for healing. Let us build our faith for it. When sickness comes, let us first go to God and pray and seek to receive faith for healing. Let’s pray for healing as long as the person is living. However, let us recognize the sovereignty of God in these matters and embrace the whole Bible and its teaching in these matters.
If anyone has the patience for a very scholarly and good book, we do recommend Michael Brown’s book Israel’s Divine Healer.

BE CONTENT: Four Great Exhortations from Phil. 4

Philippians is one of the prison epistles of Paul and as a prisoner, he did not know whether he would live or die. At such a time, a person would write what is of upper most importance to a congregation that he planted at great cost.

In the first chapter Paul is at pains to encourage the Philippians to know that his imprisonment has been for the good of the Kingdom and that the Gospel has spread by his witness from prison. The second chapter presents the example of the Messiah, who left his fathers throne, suffered and died in the most painful humiliation and then was exalted in his resurrection and ascension. So we are to show the same humility and be willing to lay down our lives that we may be raised like him to everlasting life. Chapter three warns against false teachers, affirming that our goal is to know him, the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings which leads to everlasting life.

However, the closing exhortations are remarkable for their clarity and power. If we do the four things commanded in chapter four, our lives will be revolutionized in the most wonderful way. First, we are to rejoice always. (v. 4) This is accomplished by not being anxious but by making all our requests known to God and entering into that peace of God that passes all understanding. (v. 6)

Secondly, we are to discipline our minds. (v. 8) That is we are to think of whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable (virtuous and worthy of praise). This discipline of thinking is the key to walking in faith, peace and joy. A person whose mind is always filled with good things is a person of attracting faith and optimism.

Thirdly, we are to follow good leaders. In this case Paul puts forth his own example. People do need leaders to follow to the extent that they follow the Messiah. Paul says that we are to follow him as he follows the Messiah. We need good leadership examples to grow. (v. 9)

Fourth and finally, we are to be content (v. 11-13v. 19). This contentment is through trusting in the Messiah and knowing that we are in the will of God. We will be content in all circumstances, whether being entertained by the rich or sitting in a jail cell. We can to all things through the Messiah (v. 13) Great holy ones who have been imprisoned have testified to this great contentment, and Paul is indeed testifying from such a situation. When you are content and generous, God abundantly supplies (v. 19)

May we all obey the Scriptures in these four things, to rejoice always, to discipline our thinking, to follow the teaching and example of good leaders, and finally, to be content in all things.

An Ideological Mindset

Some of my friends on the right and left seem too ideological. You can pick this up for when I post their responses are too predictable. So this is for my more ideological friends. I am a conservative, but not a radical ideological one. I ask my friends to check themselves to see if they are in group think. But I especially want to ask my more liberal and even leftist friends to check themselves for group think and always discrediting conservative writers which I quote. In checking myself, I have found 8 positions that are rejected by very conservative people. Here they are.

1. I believe in universal health care. I believe that insurance in this modern technological age has to also be regulated to offer basic and adequate coverage. I believe all must be in the system, and that vouchers should be given on a sliding scale to be able to purchase it. However, there would be competition by insurance companies, and hospital and doctor services with public records of quality, tort reform, and more. Competitive universal coverage. I know freedom purists think the government should not be involved at all, but political decisions is based on not a purist ideal, but the best that can be passed. I think this can.

2. I believe in income supplements for the poor but in a workfare orientation.

3. I believe that the day may come when robotics so replaces jobs that the wealth generated may need to be shared with those who lose jobs due to this. Right now we are not there, but futurists see the day coming when there simply are not jobs for all. But all can be required to serve to be given support.

4. I believe in legalising the non criminal illegal aliens in the United States (not citizenship for them but for their children). I believe, however, that going forward we need reasonable immigration control. I don’t believe that the illegals are only costing us money, but really do believe when they work they boost the economy and help with labor shortages.

5. I believe in estate taxes which is the closest thing to the Jubille redistribution of land in the Bible. They should not be onerous and should allow family business to survive. The funds should be used to train and for small business loans to give others a new start.

6. I believe in a strong urban policy for the poor underclass, including vouchers for private and charter schools that prove that they work, parent training, child care so the women work and more. I believe in very strong investment incentives in those area, but police protection needs to be such that it is save to invest.

7. I believe in a moderate progressive income tax. However, I do think that high tax states should not be helped by unfairly making their taxes deductible which makes lower tax states residents pay more to the fed.

8. I believe that we should look at drug legalisation to defund gangs and criminal. Then all this money that is being spent would be in massive anti-drug programs of all kinds just like programs against cigarettes. The fight against drugs should be massive, but in a different way.

I would challenge my liberal friends on Facebook to write their views where they agree with conservative. Let’s see if you are ideologues.


The judgments of God and natural disasters

Natural disasters might be the judgment of God, but…Recently a Florida professor, now fired, declared that the Hurricane that hit Houston was in judgment for Texas voting for Trump. The problem is that Houston voted for Clinton! I get Orthodox Jewish internet sendings and some Christians sites that claim that these hurricanes are in response to the United States trying to start peace talks with Israel and the Palestinians.

I am singularly unconvinced by post facto interpretations of natural disasters as judgments of God. Disasters in this world have a surd character that are difficult for humans to figure, and the righteous and the unrighteous suffer. See my chapter on the Problem of Evil in my book The Biblical World View, an Apologetic.

Now if there is a credible prophet who can broadcast his word and interpretation to those who will suffer a disaster, and can predict the disaster before there is any scientific or empirical evidence for the coming of that event, then I will take note. It has to be a supernatural prediction of the event with interpretation well before the event as in the Biblical prophets. I remember in the San Francisco earthquake of 1989: just at the World Series of Baseball was about to start in that city, that the earthquake hit. It was hard to see it as not a sign. There were some prophetic people who saw it coming, but nothing was widely known or broadcast and their knowledge and interpretation of this had no benefit to the massive population that suffered it. A small group of people were wowed that someone predicted it. Prophetic ministry today is not generally functioning at a level where it generally warns about major events before hand, gives interpretation and calls for prayer and repentance in response.

So count me out for the post facto interpretations and may the people of Florida and the Islands be spared.