Transgender New York

Mayor Bill De Blasio signed a bill so that parents have three choices for the birth certificates for their children: male, female, and x. Under x a child can choose whatever gender they prefer. So now parents are not to raise their children to be boys or girls. This is child abuse.

However, when we realize that all the ruckus over the Supreme Court is really a symptom of something much worse, and that is the death of what was the consensus of basic morals and ethics in the United States. It is not only due process and innocence until proven guilty. That is a foundational biblical value. That people can no longer affirm boys and girls and think that gender is mere social construction or merely a personal choice when only real women can have babies, nurse, have periods, and then have menopause is so amazingly stupid. Romans would call this part of the reprobate mind.

The biggest issue in our society is that a good part of the society, the university, the Democratic Party, the news media, the entertainment industry and the social media titans with unbelievable wealth, have rebelled against the knowledge of God. Every social pathology is now embraced and fostered by these people, and those who disagree are said to be phobic in multiple ways. We are witnessing the downward spiral spoken of by Romans 1 where good and evil are no longer discerned and people call good evil and evil good. It started 150 years ago with atheistic evolution, but the last ten years are the climatic end of the process. We have to note that though the Republicans leave much to be desired, the Democrats have embraced every socially destructive cause and every aberrant group as a positive minority. It is so sad because it was not long ago that Evangelicals were a Democratic Party constituency and that Party was probably more moral and ethical than the Republicans. What a tragic direction. Read Romans 1:17 following and see the reality we are facing. May revival come or the U. S. will fall under severe judgment. As Billy Graham said many times, “If God does not judge the United States, he will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” Or as the great judge and professor, Robert Bork wrote in his amazing book, the United States is Slouching Towards Gomorrah.