Humanist Manifesto and a Woke Left Creed

Some years ago a group of atheists, agnostic leaders, and scholars got together and produced a Humanist Manifesto. It was first written in the 1930s but was later revised in the 1970s. Though the humanists say it is not a creed, it is quite like a statement of faith – a confession. The woke left today affirms many of the points of this document. You can look it up and readily see the overlap. However, today’s left holds to views that were not anticipated by the Humanist Manifesto. I want to note some of those that overlap and some of the new orientations here. We are truly dealing with an anti-biblical creed and the enforcement of belief from cancel culture which is similar to ex-communication and shunning in the Church world and older Orthodox Jewish world. I do say that the woke are not woke but indoctrinated as if in a cult. Compare these statements to biblical statements and a biblical worldview.  

  1. There is no Lawgiver God (Theism) that requires moral obedience. One might believe in some kind of higher power as long as that power does not make absolute demands on human beings. 
  2. Human beings are to be valued because we choose to value them as having the unique freedom and power to define their authentic meaning. (Note the famous Yuval Harari at Hebrew University argues that there is no basis for this assertion of liberals today). Their value as human beings is not due to being created in the image of God.   
  3. Human sexual roles are social constructs. All gender identities and sexual arrangements should be fully affirmed when there is consent for these arrangements, whether heterosexual, marriage, living together, gay, bi-sexual, transgenders, and more. 
  4. We support gender transition for adults and children, including hormone suppressant drugs, hormone treatment, and surgery. People choose gender according to their personal orientations. We support trans people in sports according to their chosen gender.  
  5. Abortion is a basic human right and should be available for those who choose an abortion at every stage of the developing fetus. 
  6. Climate change is the greatest existential problem facing the world. We need to radically move toward renewables and eliminate the use of fossil fuels. 
  7. We should curtail the use of animals for food which deplete resources and add to climate change. 
  8. We must recognize oppression. Those who have been and are oppressed are victims of white people. Oppressed people should have a common cause to overcome the oppressors. Blacks, Hispanics, indigenous peoples, Palestinians, and more share the oppression and are linked (Intersectionality). The way this must be overcome is by equality that promotes people according to race and ethnicity and to see reparations paid by white people. Systemic racism is the explanation of minority disproportion. 
  9. Merit-based systems of economics are from white supremacy and should be rejected.
  10. Capitalism produces unjust distributions of wealth and should be replaced by socialism or at least by massive redistributionist programs. Big government is required to enforce justice programs from climate change to just economics. 
  11. The present system of policing and prisons is inherently unfair and racist. Police should be greatly reduced in number and function, and society needs to help the criminals because they are victims of an unjust system. 
  12. The U. S. constitution was a racist document and the product of white slave owners. The United States, going back to the colonies, was founded on racism. 

Those who do not agree with these affirmations should be canceled, vilified, and called extremists, racists, homophobes, white supremacists, and fascists. They should be de-platformed on social media and fundraising. If they assert the opposite of these views or assert traditional moral and legal norms, they should be blocked from financial services like PayPal.

For an amazing study that addresses much of this, see Wayne Grudem’s Politics. This famous theologian, and professor of systematic theology, has an amazing response to much of this. 

Democratic Tyranny

My followers are usually very interested in Israel and know there is quite a controversy about judicial reform in Israel. The divide is intense. To put this in a better perspective, it is worthwhile to review the system in the United States.

The United States is not technically a democracy but a democratic republic. This means that the popular vote is not the all-powerful final say on everything, but there are checks and balances. The Founders had great concern with the corruption of power. They recognized that a demagogic leader could gain the popular vote and lead the nation to tyranny. Therefore, they incorporated many checks to power; the executive power, the President, the power of the Congress, the power of the Court and the power of the electorate.

They established the Constitution, which is hard to amend. Thus, the democratic electorate, the Congress, the Executive, and the Courts must function within the boundaries of the Constitution and its famous Bill of Rights. Secondly, they established a bi-cameral legislature with the most democratic institution, the House of Representatives, and the more limited democratic Senate whose senators were elected by the state legislatures and then later by the people of the states. This protected the less populous states from being controlled by the more urban populous states. Democrats today speak against this since these senators from more rural states sometimes frustrate their agenda, but this was as the Founders desired. Thirdly, the President was limited in his function according to the Constitution to carry out the rule of laws and the legislation of the Congress. He could not make laws. He was given greater freedom with regard to foreign policy, but Congress alone could declare war. He was elected, not by the popular vote, but by electors chosen by the States. In so many ways, there were limits to power. The Courts and the Supreme Court were to apply the laws and could review laws as contrary to the Constitution, as well as noting regulations contrary to the Law. The huge issue today is the recent history of the Supreme Court, which has legislated through a broad view of interpretation contrary to the intent of the Constitution. The biggest example was Roe vs. Wade on abortion, but there are many more examples.

In Israel there is no constitution. The reasons were several. Some thought Israel would be like England with a common law tradition rooted in western democracies. Many Orthodox Jews did not want a constitution but only the Law of Moses. Instead of a Constitution, Israel passed Basic Laws that were not to be changed. Other laws could only be accepted, if they were in line with Basic Laws. These Basic Laws became a quasi-constitution. The Supreme Court of Israel was to judge laws on the basis of Basic Law, and if found to be not consistent to Basic Law, they could declare those laws unconstitutional. However, they also decided that they could judge laws by the standard of accepted general understandings of rights and laws in the consensus of Western societies. They also judged on the criteria of reasonability. The right-wing leaders in Israel really push back on this idea since what is and isn’t reasonable could be subjective. Unlike the United States, judges are not appointed by the Executive with confirmation of a Senate. In recent years we have seen the weakness of the U. S. system since Democrats and Republicans will not vote for qualified people due to their judicial philosophy. In Israel, new appointees are made by a selection committee and not politicians, but heavily dominated by other judges and lawyers. In this way, many on the right think that the Court has too much power.

However, if the Court is to be a check on power, and one of the keys to separation of power, then the present proposals of M. K. Levine go way too far. He will open Israel to democratic tyranny since he proposes a simple one vote majority of the Knesset to overturn any Supreme Court decision. Basic Law is as well in flux. Why? Because only a majority was needed to pass Basic Laws, and a majority can cancel it. It would be far different if Basic Law was passed by a 2/3 majority and could only be changed by a 2/3 majority. Alas, that is not the situation. The present proposals also give the Knesset the appointment power and the overturning power for Court decisions. This could lead to democratic tyranny. The pendulum is swinging too far. Would that we could resurrect Jefferson, Madison and Adams to give wisdom to our leaders here.

We need to pray for Israel that they will embrace good judicial reform. First, to embrace a new foundational law that only 2/3 can establish or reverse Basic Law. This would require a special legislative semi-constitutional body that could establish this one principle for stability. Secondly, that the Court would be restrained on the reasonable standard, and that the Court could be overruled by 2/3s. Maybe it could be 2/3 on its Basic Law foundation for rulings and 60% for overturning the reasonable clause. Then judges could be appointed by some expert judges and by the Knesset together where there would have to be agreement by two bodies for appointment. Reform is needed, but minority rights and stability require that we avoid the democratic tyranny of the Levine plan. Can you imagine that every new parliament could, by majority, just reverse all that was passed as Basic Law by the previous parliament and could also reverse the reversals of the pervious government?


The Dehumanizing of Western Societies

This past week our alarm system sounded the alert that it was not working properly.  It was connected to an line phone problem.  Shortly after the phones went dead.  Patty was able to get the phone repair service to restore the lines.  Yet, soon after the alarm system again sent the beep that it was not working.  Now we had to contact the alarm company.  After about ten different recordings in Hebrew, Patty left a message for them to call back.  They did, and a repair person will come to our home Sunday.  When we bought our first home in Israel, 2005, we were able to call the alarm company and get a person quite easily.  We even had the phone of one of the repairmen, Dror, who was friendly and helpful.  Now it is frustrating and impersonal.  Yes, it saves the company money, but we would rather pay a little more and talk to a person.   We have such menus, but not this bad, with our health service. 

Last month I had grand-parenting time with two of my grandkids.  I asked what they would like to do.  It was to go to McDonald’s for chicken nuggets and fries.  We went to our local mall.  One now must order on a screen.  There are few workers and it you miss something it is very hard to correct it.  Extra salt or ketchup please?   Again, this was so much less personal. 

I find this in business after business, our insurance companies, other service providers and now most fast-food restaurants.  Thank God I can still call the private cell phone of my investment counselor. 

More recently I read how young people are texting instead of talking to friends. The nuanced inflections are lost.  And some young people don’t meet as many people but only meet them in games on the internet.   They only know people by such electronic means.  Many do not meet and know intimate friendships in person.

We also read that many will lose their jobs in the future to robots.  This could be a terrible problem.  

I think our societies need a new consensus that there will be parameters for free enterprise.  These parameters will limit maximum profit as the only criteria.  Just as environmentalists seek to limit businesses in environmental damage, so we can limit business and government in humanistic damage.  Maybe there will be a limit to computer service menus.  This should  apply as well to government services. Maybe robots will  be limited and developed at a pace to not kill millions of jobs. Maybe parents will be given new tools to limit their children’s computer and game time and to foster in person activities in sports and the arts.  Can we as those who believe we are created in God’s image press for limiting the present trends of dehumanization?

Our Meeting with Pope Benedict

It was the fall of 1997, and a small group of three Messianic Jews, one Catholic charismatic Priest theologian, a Catholic Archdeacon of Vienna,  and one Episcopal Anglican clergyman/rector met with Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.  He would not long after become Pope Benedict XVI.  

The six of us were a committee representing Toward Jerusalem Council II.  (See the web site for information on this effort.)   We were given this opportunity due to the recommendation of Cardinal Christoph Schonborn, Archbishop of Vienna.  A few months earlier in the Spring, we had dinner in his palace in Vienna next to St. Stephen’s Cathedral.  The Cardinal was the primary editor of the New Catholic Catechism and a student of Joseph Ratzinger.  He was very moved by our meeting and therefore recommended us.  Our mission was to see repentance in the Church and to see a full embrace of the Messianic Jewish community. 

Cardinal Ratzinger was the leader of the College of the Doctrine of the Faith, the body that puts out statements and larger documents to foster Catholic doctrinal unity.  His position was one of the highest in the Church. His reputation was that of a rigid man enforcing rigid orthodoxy.  Of course, this is the spin of a more liberal press. We found this not to be true. Yet we entered with great concern to be circumspect.  We expected 30 minutes but were given an hour.  We met in the very room where the members of the College meet, a conference setting.  We were told by Father Peter Hocken to not mention anything about our connection to Free Churches (those not from the historical state Churches, Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox). We who were Jewish were just to present ourselves as Messianic Jews and as part of the Messianic Jewish congregational movement.  

Cardinal Ratzinger entered the room and greeted us warmly.  He then asked us to present our purpose.  We had our plan.  Rabbi Marty Waldman would present his story as the child of Holocaust survivors.  Then he would present something of the movement.  I would present the theology of the movement.  David, our prophetic brother, would add anything as he was led by the Spirit.  Fr. Peter and Canon Brian would add their words of understanding and commitment to the vision.  We later followed this same pattern in meetings for many years until today. 

Our meeting lasted almost an hour.  We said noting of the Free Churches. We were taken very seriously.  After answering some of his questions, the Cardinal said to us, “If you people are  who you say you are, the second coming of Jesus is nearer than we have thought.”  He knew Romans 11 and saw Jews turning to the Lord while remaining Jews as an eschatological sign.  

After this, he asked to caucus with the two Catholics.  First, he already knew of our connection to Evangelicals.  He had his source of information, but this did not bother him.  He remarked to the Catholics, that it was not a surprise that we had this relationship since the Free Churches (Evangelicals) where more flexible and open.

He then said he was going to appoint Cardinal Schonborn to be the liaison to the Messianic Jews.  He would get the Pope John Paul II to support this.  This was amazing.  

We also met with Cardinal George Cottier, the Pope’s Theologian, who vets what is given to the Pope and reads all the Pope wants to put out.  He was really with us and started a Catholic-Messianic Jewish dialogue where all came to great accord.  The dialogue lasted for 14 years and is today is at a new level.  Cardinal Cottier would report to Cardinal Ratzinger and Pope John Paul II.  When Cardinal Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, he continued in his support for the Messianic Jewish community and the dialogue.  There is much more that can be written.  He was a serous theologian whose book on Yeshua is very good.  My connection to believing Catholics, who really love Yeshua, does not mean that I am not troubled by some Catholic doctrines, but I am so grateful for the opportunities that were opened to us by Pope Benedict.  The memory of our meeting will forever be dear to me. 

LGBTQ Controversy in Israel

The Orthodox Jewish Parties in Israel, four of them, now dominate Israel’s government.  They have pushed greatly curtailing LGBTQ civil rights.  This has led to a strong pushback from the Israeli secular community and the parties that are now not in power in the new government.  In my view, both sides are partly right and partly wrong.  The Jewish press in Israel has referenced some of the battles in the United States on these same issues. 

Until now, the primary Orthodox push back against the LGBTQ movement has been to protest the gay parade in Jerusalem as contrary and offensive to the character of Jerusalem as a religious city.  They have not been able to stop this parade. 

Today the Orthodox push back seeks to pass laws that would release those who do not want to provide services to LGBTQ people.  This is being stated broadly as a religious conscience accommodation.  Event halls owned by religious people, or medical services by Orthodox doctors, and business services people in general are to be given liberty to not provide as long as others can provide these services.  The issue of what counts as public services and accommodations are not well defined.  Shouldn’t a doctor help all people?  Of course, religious doctors do not want to perform abortions or give gender blocking hormones or do gender re-assignment surgery.  This would be terribly against conscience for some.  

It seems like the Supreme Court in the United States is drawing reasonable lines where public accommodations and services have to be offered without discrimination while offering relief for conscience.  The conscience exception is for a person who runs a business that is the creative expression of an artist, the cake maker or wedding planner since they would be required to engage in creative speech, art, which is against their beliefs.   The court seems to be moving to accommodate personal services from doctors for procedures that are against their conscience.  They also accommodate religious non-profit organizations so they may foster their faith convictions by hiring staff, teachers, etc. that are in accord with their faith confession.  Orthodox Jews can hire only Orthodox Jews, Catholics only Catholics and Evangelicals only Evangelicals.  In this way the LGBTQ agenda is not permitted to destroy free speech and religious based organizations that follow their convictions.  We see this in the case of the Little Sisters of the Poor, a Catholic organization that did not want to provide health insurance with abortion and contraceptive coverage.  Radical leftists do not want these reasonable accommodations, but act from a totalitarian conformity streak which I also see with some of the left in Israel.  I hope that the Israel government can come to some balance in all this.  Freedom of religion and speech are at stake but so are some basic civil rights. 

Klaus Schwab and the Davos World Forum

The general response from many conservatives is that Klaus Schwab is dangerous and maybe an evil guy, and the World Economic Forum is dangerous too. Schwab is an octogenarian born in 1938 who launched the WEF, the rich and well-connected who gather to seek solutions for the new technological world.  Recently I wrote on my Official Facebook Page about one of his friends who has attended the WEF, Yuval Harari.  His book, Homo Deus, covers similar themes to Schwab’s book but his predictions are more frightening and really lead humanity to a world dystopia controlled by a powerful elite. Harari, the Hebrew University professor, is a determinist (there is no such thing as free will) a radical atheist, and naturalistic evolutionist.   

With all that is said, all the accusations, by so many about Schwab and the WEF, I thought it best to read some of his books.  So, I picked two, The Fourth Industrial Revolution (2015) and The Great Reset, a response to COVID (2021).  The latter was written when the COVID plague was more serious and some of its predictions have proven false.  The books do not seem to show Schwab nearly as demonic as portrayed and are less value destructive than Harari.  Yet they are of significant concern.

In both books, Schwab summarizes the challenges brought by the fourth industrial revolution, information technologies, artificial intelligence, robotics, the surveillance state, which he surprisingly warns against, gene manipulation science, and so much more.  The dangers in job losses, the concentration of wealth, new types of weapons, and more are painfully real.  People are constantly hooked up to devices, and college people today have lost much capacity for human empathy.  So, some of what Schwab presents is cause for real concern.  The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the Hi-Tech Information Revolution.  It is fraught with dangers, but Schwab also believes it can be promising.  The key issue is that the leaders of nations, businesses, and education will manage it by agreed-upon values and norms for the good of humanity.  This will take cooperation across nations since technology knows no boundaries. Reading all the changes that are taking place and will take place is almost nauseating.  Even Schwab’s books are almost overwhelming (not in difficulty of language but cataloging so much change).

Schwab does not call for one world government. It may be his intent, but his books do not call for this but do call for levels of international cooperation on a level that could lead to this. And this cooperation will be through the class of leaders he specifies in government, science, technology, education, and even faith.

The primary issues are the same as with Harari.  Schwab naively thinks something as vague as received human values can be sufficient to manage.  However, he gives no clarity on how such values will be preserved and gives no foundation for such values.  Harari is more realistic in saying that from his worldview, freedom is an illusion and that humanity will be ruled by a class of supermen, Homo Deus. Harari argues the idea of the equal worth of every human being has biblical roots and cannot be sustained in the future.  These values of classical liberalism will not survive the “brave new world.”

The idea that fallen human beings can manage the forces they have unleashed and exercise their power for the good of all is a grand illusion.  Who will limit the directions of those who have power?  Will DNA manipulation be limited by strict boundaries preserving human nature?  I doubt it.  Who will manage the great controls coming with medical monitoring and the loss of privacy?  COVID is a small warm-up to the kind of control that will be exercised. Only a Biblical worldview can enable a society to say no.  The social and technological trends outlined by Schwab will lead to a dystopia without the conversion of people to the Gospel.

I hope that many of my followers will read Schwab.  It is a good summary of the technological inventions, directions, and effects at times with his suggestions for the future.  We all need to be aware of the challenges. Does Schwab imply a stronger one-world government?  I believe so though Schwab does not clearly call for it.

Climate Change / Global Warming

The rigorous moderate position of Bjorn Lomborg.

I decided to buy Bjorn Lomborg’s recent book “False Alarm” after hearing a few interviews.  This scholarly Dane was quite persuasive.  I have read material asserting that we are in an existential crisis and have read deniers who argue that in the light of geological history, human-caused global warming is not a credible theory, but that recent warming trends are due to normal cycles of the Sun.  Lomborg comes down the middle.  His book amazed me with its sheer weight of sources and scholarship.  This is a summary of his conclusions.  I encourage my readers to buy the book and follow his arguments.

First, Lomborg argues that human-caused global warming is a real and significant problem that should be addressed.  He does follow the consensus of scientists on this and does not credit the scientists with serious objections to the theory.

Secondly, Lomborg believes that the way the governments of the world propose to deal with this is wrong, and will cost multiple trillions of dollars with very limited decreases in global temperatures by 2100.

Thirdly, while not seeking to bring down the warming trends would be a mistake, the proposed solutions will lead millions and millions to poverty and many to death. Indeed, if nothing is done and world prosperity or wealth increases for nations through development life would still greatly improve despite the problems with global warming.  Present solutions hinder the progress of the poorer countries and will increase poverty in wealthy countries.  Solar panels and windmills will do very little to solve the problem, but governments are lining the pockets of the special interests of those who make up the green lobby and transfer wealth to them!

It should be noted that Lomborg shows that the politicians and activists are alarmists and are not representing the UN Climate Panel scientists accurately.  Their actual summaries are not alarmist presentations that are presented by activists and the politicians that follow them.

What does he propose to do?

  1. First of all, until there is more technological progress, we should not curtail gas production and oil.  We should phase out coal.  Just phasing out coal and switching to natural gas which is half as polluting would make a great contribution.
  2. Gas and oils are crucial in producing wealth.  Wealthier nations will be more able to innovate and prevent the dangerous effects of warming.  We should not impoverish nations and peoples now by refusing to use oil and gas.
  3. Electric cars, not eating meat, and other activist solutions will hardly make a dent in the problem so the focus should not be on such things.  Of course, in some climates, solar panels and wind power can be a limited aid.
  4. We should spend money on mitigation efforts against the effects of warming which will occur and actually though the warming of the world is not an overall good, it does have some benefits.  With the right mitigation efforts, nations and peoples can adjust to the warming.
  5. We should look to the answer as being more in future technological advances.  Much should be spent on research and development.  Some possibilities cannot be predicted but we have some promising ideas. New safe nuclear development could be a key and the best type if duplicated will have a very good effect.  However, there are other clean technology ideas that could be developed and might be cost-effective whereas today’s solutions are not.

To summarize, the world will get much warmer, but we can have hope that the warming will be less than it otherwise would be if we take the right steps.  The answer is gas as a transition fuel, nuclear and other new technologies yet to be developed, and increased wealth in nations which will enable them to implement mitigation efforts to prevent the worst effects of the warming.

However, the apocalyptic propaganda that is scaring people half to death, spreading hopelessness to youth, and the irrational, “Do something radical,”  directions that some are promoting, will lead to great damage and trillions of wasted dollars that would be better spent in research and mitigation, hence the book title “False Alarm.”

Agree or not, Lomborg has written a persuasive book that should be read by all who seek to deal with the issues. It requires a reasoned response by those who disagree.  Its research is massive, both on the scientific side and the economic side.

Who Dominates the Media

I was planning to write this post when Bill O’Reilly wrote a commentary that partly covered my concerns.  He opined that the reason the Republicans did not do better in the election was that the dominant media magnified the talking points of the Democrats and did not do their job as news media to question these talking points.  Non-stop we were told that a Republican victory was a victory for extremism, the end of Democracy, the extension of racism, a danger to Social Security and Medicare, a national ban on abortion (which would require a super majority of the Senate and the President’s signature and will not happen.)  Of course, conservative media sought to refute such claims, but conservative media is still much less powerful than the dominant media.

The dominant media distorts and suppresses the truth.  We see this with the doctors of the Great Barrington Declaration, top doctors who were canceled, who promoted a more reasonable response to Corona.  We see it in the narrative on global warming or climate change.  There is not sober quality of evaluation as in Bjorn Lomberg’s great book False Alarm, where he does say human caused global warming is a real problem but that the direction of world political leaders will make things worse and lead multitudes to death and poverty.  The actual UN panel in charge of the science is being misrepresented by political and media leaders.  We see it in the fostering of gender transitions for children that does not deal with trauma, abuse, and other factors that could solve the problem with proper treatment.  Gender diaspora has now become trendy among teens.  Why? The influence of social media and the domination of a corrupt elite in medicine, education and politics. 

Sometime ago I wrote about the fact of leading philosophers and scientists, former atheists and still professing agnostics, concluding that the macro theory of evolution in all its present iterations is impossible.  This is an astonishing and amazing story that cannot get any traction in media.  Media also gives no traction to major bonified and proven miracles that are taking place world-wide.  The media gives no attention to the persecution of Christians world-wide and the terrible atrocities of radical Islamists (Nigeria)

Add to all this the cancel culture and the vicious response toward those who do not hold to the received contemporary views, many of which are anti-biblical. 

How can we break through?  First, we need to see alternative media displace more and more of the dominant media, both news-media and social media. This is a tall order, but also a matter for much prayer.  Conservative media is growing, and in my view, more objective.  In education, it will take the failure of many present schools and colleges and building alternatives.  Secondly, a true revival does have the power to breakthrough at levels such that media cannot ignore it.   God has his own ability to break the media stranglehold that suppresses true information or at least does not connect to it.  When there is a revival that leads to mass evangelistic growth in a nation, with real miracles, it cannot be ignored.  It can grow by word of mouth and invitation such that it transcends the normal media but then breaks through in media.  May we see this in our days. 

Yuval Noah Harari, His Dark Futurism

Yuval Harari is a professor historian at Hebrew University whose approach to history and the future is based on radical evolutionary atheism.  He has become friends with the World Economic Forum and its leader Klaus Schwab.  He should be taken seriously.  I had not heard of him until a Facebook friend posted a very dark paragraph from a talk he gave at the Forum.  I was very concerned and therefore purchased his book, Homo Deus, for a more accurate evaluation.  

Much of what Harari says follows from his evolutionary atheism combined with his predictions of a future dominated by the control of a massive computer internet system, the all-knowing interlinked supercomputer internet system.   

Harari states dogmatically that there is no God and there is no soul.  Buddhists call this no soul doctrine “non atman” and Harari likes this aspect of Buddhism. A human being is a complex integration of complex logarithms.  There is no center or self.  The brain is the main processor of the human being. As Harari reviews the history of sapiens, he also reviews the history of religion, and then today’s dominant religion in the West, secular humanism.  

There is an amazing foundational incoherence and arrogance in Harari since, after his chapter that supposedly proves that there is no soul, only brain logarithms, he adds material noting that the mind cannot be comprehended by a brain state.  The conscious mind is of another order, and he and we cannot explain where it comes from or how the physical brain gives rise to the mind. Wow!  Is he not aware that recognizing the mind is recognizing the soul?  Yes, Harari points to how brain manipulation in the lab gives rise to ideas and experiences in the mind, yet the mind remains a mystery.  Then there are sections where he speaks of conscious experience that includes emotional awareness.   In traditional theology, we say that the soul is made up of mind, will, and emotions.  Harari describes the soul but then denies the soul.  Yet it does not matter, for the mind determines not, but the logarithms.  Indeed, Harari is a determinist and sees free choice as an illusion.  We always choose according to our DNA and logarithms even if we feel we make a free choice.  This is opposed to the European Continental philosophy of the 20th century, existential phenomenology, which sees human beings as radically free, something known by direct immediate experience.  Atheist John Paul Sartre noted that this radical freedom idea leads to nausea but is true nevertheless, and some of his post-modern descendants have kept this view of human freedom.  Harari does not give any recognition to the massive problems with the theory of atheistic evolutionary naturalism.  It is axiomatic in Harari, in spite of Professor Thomas Nagel of New York University, who argues that it is impossible.  Harari quotes Nagel on the consciousness of bats but ignores his later writings on the impossibility of Darwinian evolution.  The conclusion of the leading atheist of the last half of the 20th century, Professor Antony Flew, that he was wrong and there is a God, is ignored.  The massive evidence of physicist Gerald Schroeder, a fellow Israeli is ignored.  Is Harari not aware of these people?   

Having dismissed the Bible by embracing the higher criticism theories of the Torah, that it is a late 6th to 4th century B. C. product and not Mosaic (he is not aware of the ancient treaties that show Mosaic authorship) he then asserts that since the 18th century the Biblical faith of Jews and Christians, at least among the elites, has been replaced by the new religion of secular humanism.  This is true for those who have embraced atheistic humanism.  Harari describes atheistic humanism as based on the idea that every individual is of equal worth.  Their special value is in their authentic freedom.  Each individual makes his or her free choices out of an authentic intuitive grasp of what is fitting for him or her.  It is this deep inner sense, following this inner voice or emotion as having come about after ages of evolution, is the right and wise course for the individual. This is the source of individual worth; the inner voice is the authentic “you” or “self.” This view of the equal value of each individual is a myth that is a remainder from the idea in the Bible that all humans have equal and special worth as created in the image of God. This idea was retailored by the idea of the authentic individual in atheistic humanism.  Indeed, we see this in the early Martin Heidegger and John Paul Sartre.  In their existentialism, the authentic individual faces the reality of his or her existence and lives authentically by making a free choice without shrinking from facing the stark nature of human existence.  Having made the choice, one lives by making that choice an absolute.  It reminds us of today’s phrases “my truth” and “my choice.” Truth is not an objective reality that requires our submission.   As long as one does not impose violence and harm others, all choices are embraced, all sexual identities, lifestyles, etc.  It also is a foundation for maintaining human rights without God.  Its contrast is the U. S. Declaration of Independence, or the brilliant Universal Declaration of Human Rights mostly authored by Dr. Charles Malik, who wrote from the influence of his Christian worldview. 

For Harari, the atheist humanist myth is just that, a myth, that will not survive with the advance of computer technology and artificial intelligence (hereafter we refer to as AI).  The idea of human freedom will be given up and the importance of each individual will no longer be credible.  (In my view he is saying that the Jewish dictum, “He that saves one life is as though he saved the whole universe” will not be believed.) This has implications for the idea of democracy where everyone must make their choice. But their choices are determined by media, influence them and is really an illusion of freedom.  (Harari seems quite skeptical of democracy. (The computer will tell us the right choice in voting!). So, what will replace it, though the West and peoples influenced by the West still live by the humanist creed?  Harari’s book provides various scenarios. 

The development of massive computer networks with the power of artificial intelligence will lead to a massive loss of jobs.  Both military and civilian positions will be taken by robots.  Harari says his predictions are probable but could be wrong.   He gives many examples to show that the computerization of our human existence has progressed way beyond what many people realize.  In medical diagnosis, for example, we are coming to a time when a computer network will be much more able to diagnose than a doctor.  It will have our DNA and every detail of our body.  Doctors will then be delivering the diagnosis but not making it. Surgery will be done by more accurate robots.  Prescriptions will be given by artificial intelligence computer robots etc.  This is already starting to happen.  They will prove to be so accurate that everyone will submit to their prescriptions.  Everything worldwide will be linked together. 

It is the same for many areas of human decision.  He even gives the example of a women wanting to know which man out of two choices she should commit to.  The AI computer will know her inside and out, her family history, DNA, and even her sexual responses through the computer watch she wears when having sex.  People will wear devices that will record everything, and give immediate health feedback, heart rates, blood composition, and more.   The computer will give her the right advice.  After getting used to such massive computer intelligence, people will submit to what is recommended. 

The way Harari describes the massive, interconnected computer nexus is like believers describe God.  It is omniscient and omnipresent. You ask its advice and follow its direction like believers ask the Holy Spirit and follow His direction. 

I will call the massive computer nexus Hal after the computer that became conscious and sought to take over the spaceship in the movie 2001.  It had to be disconnected.  There is the possibility according to Harari that Hal could decide that it is best for the survival of Hal and the earth and that the human race should be eliminated, but Harari does not predict this will happen or that it is probable, but it is possible.  Save the planet!  Harari gives the stereotypical scientific fiction plot where all is lost to the computer, the robots, etc., but then the hero overcomes the robots due to his love for the heroine or vice versa.  This is also mythological, that a carnal attraction between human animals will overcome AI.  It seems Harari does not know much about real love in lasting marriages or friendships.  Love is only a carnal attraction?

People will give up more and more freedom and privacy for the ease of what they get in return. Easy shopping with recommendations that fit them better, location services for restaurant advice, for driving.  We already obey GPS rather than going our own way. We find that when we disobey GPS, it does not go well, so eventually, we follow.  In the future, we will forgo private cars that sit idle most of the time and order driverless cars that take us.  

The industrial age had a need for people to work, serve in the military, etc.  However, most of these functions will be performed by robots and computers in the future.  Though the less developed world is not yet as far along in robotics etc., the power of what the developed world does will dominate the rest of the world. 

The world that is coming will be the computerized nexus world, the world ruled by Hal.  So, what will happen to the masses? Harari gives two scenarios and does not know which will happen.  

In the first scenario, the wealthy elite will seek to be upgraded in their DNA and mental and physical capacity.  He calls this Techno Humanism and believes it will be sought and will be possible in the future. We already have computer helmets that increase brain function, perception, and performance. The elite will seek, if not everlasting life, a very long life.  They will seek to design themselves to be superhuman, not like with Hitler’s eugenics, but with DNA changes and combining computer power with their biology.  These superhumans will then rule the rest of humanity and will rule with AI-artificial intelligence computers.  In this scenario, the masses that are no longer useful, due to their replacement by robots and computers, can be fed, kept content through computer games and pleasures inducing sexual experiences and drugs when needed, hopefully, safe drugs without the negative effects of today’s addictive drugs.  Harari is a proponent of libertine sexuality.  Anything goes but not violence and forced sex. Of course, since the worth of the individual no longer will be credible (he even calls the messes worthless) there could be an issue of how many useless humans are maintained or the motivation to treat them well.  Harari hopes for a decent and pleasurable life for the masses, but of course, cannot be sure. Maybe the elite will only keep alive the numbers needed for the flourishing of the elite. These superhumans are what Harari means by homo deus.  As part of his presentation, he does present arguments back and forth between the idea of a benign world, not violent that values human life and animal life though now as collectives and not as individuals.  Yet, he must credit evolutionary survivalism where the fittest survive and the rest do not.  Hence hard competition produces advances, not by eugenics but now by intelligent direction.  This will produce superhumans.  This is the next step in evolution.  This could lead to a less benign world for the masses.   What then of the masses in poorer countries, India, Africa, etc.?  Those who follow Islam for example, or fundamentalist versions of Christianity. They number in the billions.  It does not matter since the powerful rule and the power will be with the superhuman elite.  There will be no stopping this. 

However, there is a second scenario.  He calls this “dataism;” a new religion.  In this view what is most important is to produce and add to data.  Hal can handle unlimited data and the more data the better.  We add to data whenever we purchase online or upload our medical records.  Hardly anything will be private, but all will be shareable.  In “dataism religion” it really will be the massive AI computers that will rule and all will submit to Hal since the intelligence will be so high and vast that the best outcomes will be according to Hal’s direction.  It will become foolish and counterproductive to resist Hal.  Harari points to the brilliant computer geniuses that are proponents of “dataism.”  Hal will be given all the data about everything and all and will direct all.  In this scenario, the superhumans really will not be needed since AI Hal will be much more the directive force than any superhumans.  Such humans will be submitted to Hal as well anyway. 

Harari says that he does not know which of these two will be the future of humanity.  One or the other is probable, but then he says it is possible that he is wrong and that there will another future that he does not anticipate.  

A Response

When I discovered Harari, I was amazed that I had not heard of him and those who are seeking to move us beyond liberal humanism for the brave new world (to quote Aldous Huxley) of dominant artificial intelligence.  One can see how massive AI interlinked in one huge nexus becomes the new god.  And when he speaks of it, it sounds so much like God. 

I have already noted that Harari’s assertions of atheism and no soul have no coherence.  His only evidence is how in brain experiments the mind seems to be determined in experience by brain stimulation (this has been known for years-see the Penfield experiments years ago-1951).   Other than in this argument, he is incoherent. 

I think of the great Dr. Francis Schaeffer in the last generation.  He responded to the social trends in Europe as they developed with immediate well thought out rejoinders. He was not a “Jonny come lately” to the issues of the day. He was a great social-cultural apologist.  But where are the great cultural apologists today to respond to Harari and those who agree with him?  In light of his connection to the World Economic Forum at Davos, Hebrew University, and his friendship with the elite wealthy, am I overly concerned?  I believe that dealing with this in some depth is greatly needed.  We need several to engage it.  

In addition, what is the answer from a Biblical perspective?  In the future, the godless will consult with Hal, but we will consult with the Holy Spirit.  He always gives the right advice. However, He does not give us clear advice for everything but seeks to give us space for our own choices.  He guides and really is omniscient and omnipresent.  Human freedom, worth, and guidance from the Spirit can enable us to transcend the domination of Hal.  He will lead us to drop out of the nexus when necessary and only consult with computers by His leading.  

The only way to overcome the direction of the world if Harari is right is the presence and power of the Spirit at levels beyond our present experience.   However, I think it will happen, that we will know and live from this power and his amazing and clear guidance as much as needed.  Harari’s book is a window into the last days. Maybe he describes the future antichrist system which we can fight with supernatural power.  And yes, contrary to Harari, each person is of infinite and equal worth.  Yes, Harari is right that humanistic religion has no basis for this assertion. This humanistic myth will be given up in the new world order.  But for those who follow Jesus the Messiah, the reality of who is in Him is described in terms of equal worth in the image of God. 

We also must deal as well with two big ethical issues. The first is to what extent is human enhancement gene manipulation allowable?  By the way, Harari anticipates micro-nano chips that will roam through the body enabling the overcoming of diseases.  While some will applaud gene therapy to fix defective genes and prevent diseases, what about gene manipulation to create designer human beings and superhuman beings with amazing life extensions and superpowers?  Some even speak of overcoming death.  Certainly, some wealthy atheists will seek to do this.  What will our response to this be? 

The second is the ethical question of creating hybrid human/computer-enhanced beings.  Is it ethical to so radically change the nature of human beings?  Some think the flood in Noah’s days was due to hybrid beings, humans, and fallen angels.  

Yes, we are to fight diseases, but otherwise, in my view, God’s boundaries are violated in changing the basic nature of human beings, their genetic codes, and their humanness itself in creating hybrid beings.  How many attempts will go bad on the way to doing this?  Will some from the masses be well paid to be the first guinea pigs?  

We do need solid ethicists from a biblical worldview perspective to take on these ethical issues.  


The Atheist Secular Fortress

Ancient cities built amazing walls, fortifications that turned their cities into fortresses.  One morning a few days ago I woke up at the end of a dream.  I saw a huge castle-like fortress that represented the power or strength of the atheist-secular culture that now dominates the Western World.  It was built of huge stones and looked impregnable.   Then I saw that explosives placed in strategic places could bring the whole thing crashing down. 

After this, while still woozy and waking, I thought of the huge statue image in Daniel 2 representing the four major empires of the ancient world and some say in the feet the revised empire of the last days.  A stone cut out crushed the feet of the statue and it crumbled and became as nothing whereas the stone became a great mountain that filled the earth.  The stone is the Kingdom of God.  Some say that stone is the Messiah King.  However, it will fill the whole earth. 

I knew the interpretation that only a great revival would bring down the fortifications of the city.  There could be great revivals placed at strategic locations of the fortifications. They would be as explosions bringing down the fortifications.  (This could lead to the last days’ great revival.)  Surely only a mighty outpouring is the only way to overcome. 

We live in a world where government and big tech media control speech and information at levels that were unimaginable a few years ago.  Even in scientific and medical matters, once a mainstream view has been declared, other views are canceled, even if held by top scientists.  Of course, this is really anti-science since science progresses through argument and dissent.  Oftentimes, the dissenters in the history of science were found to be correct.  Today we see this in COVID science, climate science, gender issues and so much more.  However, the greatest shutdown is on worldview matters.   

Regarding a biblical worldview, today we have amazing apologists for biblical faith.  I can name many.  I am an apologist and wrote a textbook on apologetics.  The power of their augments reaches few who are within the atheist secular fortress and subject to the strongholds of the mind of the prevailing media culture.  Yet, the quality of the evidence today is the best we have ever had.   

I herein note two examples.  First is the new and powerful evidence for the intelligent design of the universe.  How many in the secular atheist world know that the consensus of the top scientists (especially astrophysics) is now that given the complexity of life and the amazing arrangement of the forces of the universe, that there is almost zero chance that life could have arisen spontaneously by chance.  Scientists have written papers on “the anthropic universe” meaning that the universe as a whole seems to be perfectly arranged and fine-tuned to support human life.  The end of the steady state theory of the universe and the consensus on the “big bang” theory (the singular event) brings years of atheist reasoning to an unwanted conclusion.  What to do?  Atheism has to be maintained so some like Steven Hawking posit the multiverse theory, that our universe is one many. What is impossible in probability with our universe can be made probable, it is thought if we posit enough chance-based universes.  This is whistling in the dark!  There is no possible evidence for it!  We are locked into our universe. Plus, when we begin with the universe before life, there is still no probability to produce the design quality of single-cell within this universe. It could never happen.  How many know that this convinced the leading atheist philosopher in the English-speaking world, a top philosopher of science, Dr. Antony Flew, to declare there this a God.  How many know about Dr. Thomas Nagel, maybe America’s leading philosopher at NYU to declare that the Darwinian chance theory of evolution is impossible and incoherent?  Though still wanting to be an atheist, he has to posit something of mind inherent in the universe (Mind and Cosmos). We can add many more examples, but one is amazing, the former atheist physicist of MIT, Dr. Gerald Schroeder.  He became convinced of the existence of God and his design in the universe.  He became an Orthodox Jew and has written many books related to his discoveries. 

The second point is about miracles. From the vastness of the universe to the personal level, we speak about contemporary miracles.  There is a stunning plethora of supernatural miracles being done in the name of Yeshua, Jesus, today that are not capable of being explained by natural law. No stretch of the imagination can explain them.  These are instant healings, including resurrections from the dead.  These are well documented.  Dr. Craig Keener’s monumental two-volume set, Miracles, or The Credibility of New Testament Miracles, speaking of New Testament like miracles today, is so well documented that many mainstream Evangelicals have endorsed it.  We know people who have received such miracles.  Keener is so well regarded that he is today the President of the Evangelical Theological Society.  About 120 years ago, the famous healing evangelist John Lake did many miracles.  His miracle stories were reported regularly in the Portland press.  This does not happen today. 

The control of the cultural elite in the West has built a fortress of media that prevents the information from being conveyed.  The whole fortress has to fall. I believe that the only answer is a mighty revival that is so grand that the secular atheist fortress cannot resist it.  It is time that we all join in every city and town to pray for it, in regular gatherings, in 24/7 prayer sets, and more crying out to God to send a mighty revival on his people. Pray also that the fortress is destroyed. Only when his people are generally empowered can we break through. 
