Hope Born Patty Juster

By Patty Juster

Oh hope, not yet born
Does your heart still beat
Your strength ‘bout forlorn
Do I feel your feet?

A Sono does tell
You’re not yet dead
But vitals not well
Hope has gone to bed

“Wake up,” the bells ring
“Stay there, you’ll turn cold.
Try, make your self sing,
You can do it, be bold.”

New food will restore
Take, eat, new life brings
Then when done, eat s’more
It’s nosh fit for kings

Now drink cool water
Revives the waned will
Courage won’t falter
You’ll have “nuff” to fill

In pain, hope is birthed
Hold not back, it’s time
With joy round me girthed
Push, I hear the chime

Angels have waited
New glory behold
God’s Son, joy sated
Faith has come forth gold