The Right of First Refusal 

Reading the New Covenant Scriptures in the light of the Hebrew Bible gives us a clear understanding of the priority of to whom we should first proclaim the Good News.   In the Hebrew Bible, page after page tells us …

Critical Race Theory Updates

I have continued to read Critical Race Theory books.  Nothing I have read changes my basic conclusions that have been summarized in essays on my Official Facebook Page.  The book by Richard Delgado, An Introduction to Critical Race Theory, is …

Evidence from the Life of Yeshua; Part I: Fulfilled Prophecy 

The Four Gospels provide the historical picture narrative of Yeshua’s ministry on the earth. Matthew and Mark include birth stories and Luke one story from when He was 12 years old.  The summary case for the historical trustworthiness of these Gospels will be in another later essay.  At this point, I want to assert that the Gospels were all written

The Old Testament Against its Environment 

When one studies the religions and cultures of the world, one finds that the Torah (the first five books of Moses) and the rest of the Hebrew Bible presents us with views about God, the world, and the way Israel …

Attachment Love

I am reading an intriguing book by Jim Wilder and Dallas Willard entitled, God, Dallas Willard, and the Church that Transforms.  One of the Tikkun America leaders recommended the book, The Other Half of the Church, by Michael Hendricks and …

The Moral Argument 

Famous writers from even a very long time ago, have presented the moral argument for the existence of God.  It is found in Paul (Shaul) the apostle and C. S. Lewis (Mere Christianity) and countless others.  There are several aspects …