The New Cosmological Argument 

The Cosmological Argument for the existence of God argues from the observed Cosmos to the idea of a First Cause.  The classic statement of this was from St. Thomas Aquinas in the Middle Ages. The argument was basically that there …

Privilege and Disadvantage

It is wrong for a person to be disadvantaged due to the color of their skin.  This is the cry of the Critical Race people on the injustice of white privilege.  Does it exist?  Yes, in court sentencing until recently …

What is God Like

In our last article, we argued that life on earth including human life can only be explained by intelligent design or that there is a designer who brought about our world. This is the overwhelming conclusion of most cultures.  Ancient …

Sukkot | Tabernacles

The first day of Sukkot/Tabernacles begins with a sabbath rest and then will celebrate the next six days as well but not as sabbath day rest days until the 8th day of rest, Shmini Atzeret.  Messianic Jews and Christians who are …

The Cults of Human Rights

The fountainhead, the roots of all human rights progress in the West can be traced to biblical influence.  Only nations that have these biblical roots have embraced the quest for human rights and outside of this influence, it is unknown.  …

Paul David Yonggi Cho and our Marriage

I recently got a message that Paul David Yonggi Cho, the former pastor of the World’s largest church died.  In 1986 I was part of a committee of leaders that sponsored a church growth conference with Dr. Cho.   Several …

A Patriots History of the United States

I wrote an article on my official page on Howard Zinn’s two histories of the United States, one the extensive one and one for high schools.  My daughter read these and alerted me to the fact that Zinn’s text was …

Rosh HaShana | Yom Teruah

I am sitting in my study.  This morning during devotions, I was reflecting on Rosh Hoshana. Once again, this year is not the normal Rosh Hoshana where were we go to services, sing liturgy and hear the sound of the shofar.  …

The Call to Paid Congregational Leadership 

When I was sixteen years old, I remember a camp speaker who testified of his own calling that the words of the Paul the apostle, whom we call Rav. Shaul, applied to him, “Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel.”