For many years I have wanted to read Mark Twain’s book Innocents Abroad. Why? Because it is so frequently quoted concerning Twain’s impressions of the Holy Land on his trip in 1867. The quotes prove the Holy Land was desolated and largely unpopulated. …
Corona Virus Update
I have read countless articles and listened to many newscasts. I think we now can draw some pretty sound conclusions. It has been well established that the problem with COVID 19 is overwhelmingly an attack on the old and those …
A New Israeli Government
Finally, at 1:00 P.M. Israel time a new Israeli government was formed. I need not say much about it since I have before written on what was going to happen after there was a unity government agreement. Things have pretty …
ISRAEL TODAY: May, 13, 2010
I thought I should send you an update on Israel today. By now most of you know that a unity government will form tomorrow. It will have 72 out of 120 parliament seats. Amazingly, it looks like the right-wing religious …
Evil, When to Say the Word
One of my dear friends wrote to me that I should not use the word evil of people. I do want to clear up any misunderstanding. I am not saying that Democrats individually or those who vote for them are …
Trump and the Prophetic Consensus
I have given rational reasons as to why Christians and Messianic Jews can justly support Donald Trump in spite of this past behavior and in spite of behavior today that is concerning. My arguments have been based on policy. My …
The Theology of the Siddur, Church Liturgy, and the Hymnbook
Rachmiel Frydland was one of the most beloved figures of the early days of the Messianic Jewish movement in America. Rachmiel was a rabbinic student in Poland, and as a young man fled the Nazis in the Polish forests. He …
The Need for the Prophetic and the Last Days
In my book Passover, Key to the Book of Revelation I argue that prophetic ministry will be greatly increased before the coming return of Yeshua. I noted in a recent post that on this present virus situation we have had …
How Legalism Blinds to Foundational Moral Issues
I embraced the Good News and committed my life to Yeshua in the Spring of 1960. Some of you know my testimony. I soon became part of a Reformed Church that was very much in the Evangelical movement. My father …
Creation Distinctions for Mutual Blessing
Very recently I posted on Dr. Michael Brown’s book, Jezebel’s War on America. In this amazing book, he presents the main thrusts of destruction against heterosexual marriage, the traditional family, and then on to aborting babies and the terrible sexual …