Daniel C. Juster, Th. D., Restoration from Zion of Tikkun International We are dealing with a significant problem in theology. Much of the theology is being given to believers by preaching media stars and church leaders who I would call …
World Redemption
Daniel Juster, Restoration from Zion, of Tikkun International A few months I was in dialogue with a famous New Testament Theologian form England. Much of our discussion was on the issue of Israel and the Church. He was basically “replacement theology” …
The debate over the Iran nuclear agreement was fierce. Israel was fiercely opposed and this included the right, left and center large parties. In the United States, leading Democrats opposed the deal and not only Republicans. The Senate Majority leader, …
Gospel of the Kingdom
The Good News answered the great Jewish question of the day, where is the Kingdom of God promised by the prophets? The hope of the prophets was that Israel and the nations would be one under the rule of the …
Life of Character
Understanding the Gospel of the Kingdom leads to the way of life we call Kingdom life. The Gospel of Matthew is very helpful because it connects the Kingdom of God to the commandments of Yeshua. In Matthew 28:19-20 we read, Matthew 28:19-20 …
The Kingdom in Every Sphere
In past ages the Kingdom of God was identified with the rule of the Church. In more recent times, the Kingdom has been understood as the Millennial Age, something that has been postponed to the future. Both of these views …
Irrevocable Calling
As far as the gospel is concerned; they are enemies for your sake; but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs, for God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable – Rom 11:28-29. The …
The Coming Fullness
We believe that God will restore all truth and right practice that has been lost to the Body of Believers. Various ages of the Church have seen advances and declines. Some truths have been emphasized in one period, lost in …
A Quest for Unity
Yeshua’s prayer from John 17 envisions a unity among believers that is like the unity of His relationship with the Father. “That they all may be one as you, Father, are in me, and I in you; that they also may be …
Right Theology
Here are some aspects of what I consider a right theology that must prevail in the Messianic Jewish movement. End Times – We are to be aligned with the last days’ church, which will lead to Israel being saved, the return …