Israel, the Church and the Last Days

In the 1980s it seemed that I was growing in understanding the Bible in new and more accurate ways.  One of those understandings had to do with the Bible’s teaching on the Last Days or Eschatology.  When I finished Wheaton …

The Book of Revelation in Our Times

The Book of Revelation provides us with some of the most controversial debates on the interpretation of the Bible.  Yet we are told that we are blessed if we read the book and it is so important that there are …

Is Donald Trump a Narcissist?

Some of my Trump-supporting friends concede that President Trump is a narcissist.  Just about all of my anti-Trump friends argue that he is a dangerous narcissist.  And that is the issue of issues for them.  This presses me to Scripture …

Barna and Discipleship

Some of my readers are familiar with the Barna Group founded by George Barna and the important work they do by surveys that tell us where the Church and its members are.  One of those areas of the survey is …

The Power of the Gospel and the LGBTQ People

Many Christians and Messianic Jews find themselves in a political battle with LGBTQ people.  They do not want to be forced to endorse the lifestyles or be accused of hate speech or be so accused by reading the Bible on …

The Israel Political Crisis Never Ends

Israel has two moderately conservative newspapers that for many years were quite positive to Prime Minister Netanyahu.  That has changed. Why?  There are several reasons. and the issues they write about now take us to another crisis. First, the editors …

Approaching the Victims and the Beatitudes

Recently a famous black sports reporter, Jason Whitlock, expressed his alarm at the tenor of Black Lives Matter protests, including his disagreement on some of the false assumptions (not all the assertions are wrong) and the tenor of the Democratic …