The Seven Mountains

For 35 years our ministries have taught the Gospel of the Kingdom in a way that connects us to the newer “Seven Mountain/Pillar Teaching”. This teaching is now becoming popular in both charismatic and evangelical streams. We have taught generally …

Destined to be ONE

The historical theology of many streams of the Church for the most part was in unity on their understanding of the Church as a third race (dating from as early as the second century), a new people of God and …

Biblical Standards for Divorce and Remarriage

Among those who believe in the Bible as our absolute standard, the issue of divorce and remarriage remains a particularly vexing problem. Different interpretations on how to understand the Bible’s teaching has produced very difficult divisions in the Body of …

End Time General Consensus

Eschatology is teaching on the Last Days and the Age to Come. A consensus has developed in the doctrine of eschatology in the Christian world. We could almost call these points truisms today, though not all are aware of them. …

Strategic USA Trip Recap

My trip in November began with meetings in Dallas, Texas with the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL), who represent thousands of churches. The fellowship was very good. Guy Cohen of Ketzir Asher in Acco attended with me. It was the …

“I Do Not Need to Be in a Congregation”

This statement is a representation of not only many young people today, but of even some older people who are in their senior years of disillusionment with congregational life as they experienced it. Yet, it is so very different than …