
Recently the facilities in several British cities canceled evangelistic meetings with Franklin Graham because his statements against homosexual practice showed him to be a homophobe.  I have written about this before, but one of the schemes of the left is …

Save Your Children from the Internet

Large studies have been done showing the terrible damage done to our children from the Internet.  I will not reference them here. Anyone can find them from a search engine. Some of the leaders in Hi-Tech are now forbidding their …

Prophecy and Biblical Authority 

Pentecostal/Charismatics and non-charismatic evangelicals sometimes live in different language worlds.  This produces deep divides that are not necessary even if there is no agreement about some of the issues of theology.  Thankfully these divides are not as great as a …

The Dangers of Fundamentalist Dispensationalism

In using these two terms together, I am speaking of the joining of two distinguishable concepts.  Dispensationalism refers to an interpretative approach to the Bible that goes back to John Nelson Darby from the middle of the 19th century.  Many …

Israel’s Orthodox Jewish Crisis

When I first came into Jewish ministry (June 1972), I had very little knowledge of Judaism. I had the best of Evangelical Christian education and also studied at a liberal Christian Seminary.  My professors taught about Jewish backgrounds for understanding …

Lying Narratives

My previous post on Narratives did not get my usual response.  My media team thought that maybe it was too intellectual.  I am a university Apologetics professor and do gravitate to such analysis.  But I want to simplify.   One …

An Iranian Strategy

Killing Kassem Soleimani, the leader and General in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and the Al Quds forces, brought a sense of justice and closure to many.  This was especially so in Israel. There is not really any push back here, …