Those who are following the American situation in regard to Christianity, politics, the Trump administration, and the election of Joe Biden recognize the upheaval, controversy, the prophetic questions and disappointments and so much more. I have addressed some of this …
The Concentration of Wealth and Power
Not long ago, President Barack Obama stated that, “At a certain point you’ve made enough money.” There were howls of protest. The more libertarian of Republicans pushed back hard and asserted that however much money a person can make within …
Due Process
I participated in a recent phone call of apostolic leaders. The discussion concerned accountability for prophets and all other five-fold ministry leaders. This was in the context of what seemed some serious prophetic failures. The discussion turned to …
The Upcoming Election: Understanding and Prayer
We are amazingly going to new elections in Israel though the last elections were less than a year ago. Benjamin Netanyahu has dissolved two governments that he recently led to gain a coalition that was more in unity with him. …
What are they Teaching our Youth?
My daughter Rebecca is very smart. Recently she alerted me to what schools are teaching as American history. The text by Howard Zinn is alarming. I read the book and sent her this review. She gave me permission to post …
Christian Nationalism
The recent election in the United States has divided believers over claims that Christians were in idolatry of Donald Trump as a savior figure; also added to this claim was the charge of the error of “Christian nationalism.” This is …
The Torah And Serious Commitment To Application
As a student at Wheaton, I was able to study under the famous philosopher, Dr. Arthur Holmes. He was fond of calling for us to engage in world viewish thinking. This meant that the Bible provides us with the foundations …
Only Two Major Feasts?
Sometimes Jewish Roots Christians and some Messianic Jews (not most) decry the fact that the Christian Church did not embrace the Jewish Biblical Feasts. In the Bible there are three major pilgrim feasts, Passover, Shavuot (Pentecost 50 days later) and …
Two Warring Narratives: The 1776 Commission And The 1619 Project
A project known as the 1619 Project has been ensconced in the programs of some of the public schools. The basic assertion of the 1619 Project is that America was founded on slavery and even fought the Revolutionary War to …
The Devil’s War Against Creation Distinction
Because this is fresh in the news, and I wrote a book related to the God’s creation order, I write this article as God makes distinctions in creation for mutual blessing in an order of interdependence. One of those wonderful distinctions …