Torah in Messiah and the Present Crisis

Michael Rudolph and I wrote a book on applying Torah entitled Torah in Messiah.   It is our view that Torah is practical but must be applied according to New Covenant fulfillment, primarily through the teaching of Yeshua.  Messianic Jews …

Biblical Repentance and White Repentance

The leftist radicals in the Black Lives Movement (by no means the majority in the movement) have hijacked the movement for radical post-modernist ideas that are Marxist and anarchist.  (The two are not coherent, but what can you do?  I …

Facebook and the ADL

The Anti-Defamation League is boycotting Facebook because they allow hate speech, Holocaust denial, and Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.  Now other corporations are pulling out of their connection to Facebook because of inadequate policing of hate.  I wrote about social platforms recently.  …

The Battle Over Monuments

Protestors have been tearing down monuments.  It began with Civil War military leaders, but has now gotten to the point where monuments are destroyed not only for Civil War leaders who fought to preserve the confederacy, but now includes Founding …

Are We Witnessing A Marxist/Anarchist Revolution?

In recent days I have become convinced that we are witnessing a Marxist/Anarchist revolution in the United States.  My Facebook readers will note my developing thought on this. Some say I am too alarmist, but I do not think so.  …

Prayer Points for the Present Violence

I am writing this post as a follow up for prayer counsel for my friends.  If my last post was correct, and I don’t see how it can possibly not be correct, then we are seeing the black community used …

Some Questions on Black Lives Matter

A few days ago, I came against these facts.   Here is a quote from the black attorney general in Indiana.  This report is very important. “Last year in the United States, a country with a population of 330 million people, …