Three Ages of Western History

Some of what we are going through in the terrible moral struggles of the Western world is due to the abandonment of the historic approaches to truth and culture.  Though this is a simplistic summary, I think it is basically …

Pillar #1. Worldwide Passionate Love for God

Pillar #1  We must see a people of God in worldwide revival in passionate love for God the Father and his Son Yeshua.  This pillar was actually taught by some of the Puritans.  Ian Murray in his great book, The …

The Five Pillars Eschatology

The doctrine of the last days is very important because according to one’s interpretation of the last days or eschatology, one’s orientation to life varies.  Some think that we should avoid the doctrine of eschatology because it is a difficult …

Climate Youth Protests

We have just witnessed hundreds of thousands of youth protesting climate change and demanding radical action to stop the progression of climate warming.  It is sad to me to see children scared half to death about the climate. Some psychiatrists …

Israeli Elections

The Israel election looks like a stalemate but it really is not. I will make a prediction. First, as I noted in an earlier post, the basic issue was that the ultra-Orthodox pushed so hard to expand their power and …

Apocalyptic Times

I recently thought of writing about the danger of a massive human tragedy of enormous scope.  I am writing about the potential of acts of war that can bring untold death and destruction. C. E M. Joad was one of …

Should Gentiles Keep The Feasts of Israel?

As we move into the Holiday season, I want to address the issue of Christians keeping the Holy Days.    I am not planning on defending my interpretation of the passages that talk about Gentiles keeping the Feasts of Israel, …

Demonizing those who Disagree

I mentioned in my most recent post that General James Mattis wrote an article on the dangers of tribalism and a type of tribal warfare in America.  Then more recently Carol Roth, a centrist and independent politically, wrote a very …

Speak Loudly, but Carry a Little Stick

We are soon entering into elections in Israel in just over two weeks.    The right of center party of Benjamin Netanyahu is facing off against Blue and White, the centrist party of General Benny Gantz and Yesh Atid leader …