Sabbath Reading

Sometimes my Friday pre Sabbath reading of the Jerusalem Post inspires me to comment on Facebook..  This week there were two articles that I wanted to comment on.  The first was from Melanie Philips from London who regularly writes and …

Happy New Year

We enter the new year with amazing political upheavals in the United States and China.  Some are seeing amazing parallels between Israel and the United States.  There are some, but there as significant differences.  We need to pray for God’s …

The Left Does Not Want to Face Truth

Whatever one thinks of Donald Trump, I am constantly puzzled why people tend to think that their solutions would be found in a greater and greater power of the State enforcing socialistic big government solutions.  As an Israeli, I am …

A Quality Counter Culture

We can bemoan the ethical and moral direction of our nations, Israel and the United States. It is right to grieve and pray for national revival. Some think that a secular state is a good thing but the Bible is …

Biblical Authority and Messianic Jewish Scholars

Daniel Juster, Th. D.  Restoration from Zion After almost four years of painful skepticism, I returned to committed faith in April, 1970.  I had graduated from Wheaton College and was at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, near Deerfield, Illinois.   As …

Due Process And Fairness

My Facebook followers are aware of my position on the hearings on Judge Kavanaugh. They know that I believe that the Democrats were involved in a campaign of personal destructing as part of a power grab. Justice, in my view, …

Globalist And Nationalist

I am a globalist and a nationalist. This is because I believe in the Biblical worldview. All are called to be both. However, we need to define terms. Today people are slammed for being globalists and for being nationalists. Because …


Transgender New York

Mayor Bill De Blasio signed a bill so that parents have three choices for the birth certificates for their children: male, female, and x. Under x a child can choose whatever gender they prefer. So now parents are not to …