The Palestinian Confederation Idea

A New Confederation Plan? The Israeli Press is reporting on a new attempt of a solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians,  a confederation plan for the Palestinian areas of Judea and Samaria (West Bank).   Is this the …

Seven Mountains and Second Coming

As a biblical thinker that believes that we are to influence all areas of society with biblically based solutions (the Seven Mountains teaching and classical Reformed thought on societal influence), I yet am disturbed by those who implicitly or explicitly …

The Israel Surrogacy Law

On Sunday a strike has been called, and will be supported by Labor unions.  It is a strike of protest against the recently passed law on surrogacy, where women can bear children for others and then give them to waiting …

The Primary Error in Word of Faith Teaching

Many but not all of our readers are familiar with a movement called The Word of Faith Movement. Teachers in this movement have become famous for their presentations on material prosperity and physical healing. Some have gone too far and …

Reform and Conservative Jews are going foolishly extreme

Reform and Conservative Jews are going foolishly extreme in their reaction to the Netanyahu government reneging on their commitment to establish an official egalitarian prayer location at the Western Wall. This was to save his coalition government which would fall …

Bearing Fruit that will Last

Often I reflect on the life of Paul and wonder what motivated him to keep on going with such zeal, even after being beaten, stoned or whipped.  What really was behind the statement from Acts 20:24, “I consider my life …

Apostolic Order

Apostolic order has two meanings; first we seek to order congregational life according to the teaching of the original Apostles in the first century as can be reasonably applied in our current day. Second we order our congregations under apostolic …

Extravagant Love by Patty Juster

By Patty Juster A strong young man stood by a gold gilded table pouring over some parchments.  He seemed deep in thought as he glanced back and forth from the table to something outside his palace window.  “Everything seems to …

God’s Project of Freedom Patty Juster

By Patty Juster All see you were wrong about the people you loved The men you created, in freedom you beget them Now they are jeering and mocking with great ire Their eyes blackened, raging they strip you Plucking your …