The Level Playing Field 

The popularizers of Critical Race Theory which now have become ensconced in multiple sectors of society, education, government, entertainment, media, business, and even the military argues that the reason why blacks do not have a level playing field but are …

Can We be Confident in our Faith?  

One of my most esteemed professors made a distinction.  He said we could not have certainty but could have certitude.  What did he mean?   It was that intellectual certainty in the absolute sense was only possible in mathematics.  Yet …

The Argument from Culture  

About 55 years ago a number of thinkers developed what I called cultural apologetics.  Some of the famous names were Francis Schaeffer of the L’Abri Study center in Switzerland and Hans Rookmaaker, Professor of Art History of the Free University …

The Supernatural Life Signs and Wonders Today 

In Acts 2:22 Peter speaks to the great crowds after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the morning of Shavuot (Pentecost).  He says, “Yeshua ha-Notzrati—a man authenticated to you by God with mighty deeds and wonders and signs God …

The Problem of Evil: The Biblical Evidence

The greatest objection to Biblical faith is said to be the problem of evil.  Human beings are subject to terrible pain, suffering, loss, disease, and premature death.  How can God, who is described as good, all-loving, all-knowing, and powerful allow …

The Hope of our Resurrection 

The hope of life after death alone can adequately comfort us regarding the justice disparities of this life.  The great philosopher Immanuel Kant argued in his Critique of Practical Reason, that unless we believe in God, freedom, and life after …

Taking over the Land

CONFUSED ABOUT ISRAEL POLITICS AND THE ISSUE OF TAKING OVER THE REST OF THE LAND IN ISRAEL? Well, it is a very confusing issue with deep political divides. Here are a few points to put it into perspective.  1. Right-wing …

Evidence from Pentecost to the Book of Acts

After his resurrection but just before his ascension (where Yeshua was taken up to God and seated at His throne) Yeshua instructed his Disciples to stay in Jerusalem and to wait until they would be clothed with power from on …