The New “Dangerous” Left Wing Government 

My readers may be getting communication from Prime Minister Netanyahu claiming that the government that Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid-There is a Future) and Naftali Bennett (New Hope) will form is potentially a dangerous left-wing government.  This is far from the …

Systemic Racial Disparities

The abuse of the Black underclass is rampant today. Before the civil rights movement, the black family was mostly intact. Despite the terrible segregation laws, Blacks were making educational and economic gains, though not enough. Then we had great hope …

Resourcing Israeli Congregations

Over many years my convictions have not changed in regard to the priorities of giving for Christians who want to support Israel.  The greatest support from Christian giving goes to humanitarian causes in the Land through organizations that do not …

Abraham Piper and Questioning Hell

Abraham Piper is the son of one of the more famous Evangelical Pastors and scholarly writers, Calvinist John Piper.  Pastor Piper has been popular at Wheaton College, his alma mater, for his stimulating writing and preaching on loving and enjoying …

Passion for Israel

When the Reformation encouraged people to read the Bible in context, rather than through received tradition and allegorical approaches, several Reformers discovered the Biblical teaching on the election of the Jewish people, the nation of Israel.  We see the beginnings …

Apostolic Ministry and Authority

My new book Apostolic Ministry and Authority addresses the role of apostles today and responds to the ongoing controversy on this issue.  It answers the question on whether or not the teaching of the Bible would lead us to expect …

Blindness and the Direction of Western Culture 

I have been grieved at the direction of Western Culture and the acceleration of the deterioration I am now seeing in the United States.  These struggles are also part of Israel.  When I was a young philosophy student at Wheaton …

Near Death Experiences: Resurrections 

The last issue of the Jerusalem Post Weekend Supplement there was a full spread on near death experiences with a minor theme on those who experience realms beyond this life.  It also touched on reincarnation and the memory of past …