We are living in an age that is unusual for its hatred for the Bible and Christianity. The apologists for hating biblical faith make two major claims among others. One is that the Bible is full of violence and vengeance …
A Literal Hermeneutic, Essay 6
Dispensationalists have done a service for the Body of Believers in raising the awareness of subjective methods of hermeneutics (the science of text interpretation). After so many centuries of domination by those whose approach to the Hebrew Bible especially, was …
Thoughts Given to a Friend on Israel and the Palestinians
Here are thoughts to help with your article. 1. It is very important to not conflate the three very different situations in Israel within the Green Line (an armistice line- never a defined border) and Gaza and the West Bank. …
Rapture After Tribulation
Guest Article by Asher Intrater The central event of the end times is the 2nd Coming of Yeshua (Jesus). There are wars and tribulations leading up to that event. At the 2nd Coming, there is a great supernatural event called …
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: Is it in the Bible, Essay 5 in Beyond Dispensationalism
When I was 19 years old in October 1996 at the King’s College, I believed in the pre-tribulation rapture of the saints. When I was 19 years old in December 1966, I no longer believed this. What happened? It was …
Definition of Love and Rejection of the Bible
One of the key foundations of the conflict between the Biblical World View and the prevailing culture is the clash of definitions. Love and justice are defined in profoundly different ways. We are watching the disintegration of the West due …
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture as Solution, Essay 4
John Nelson Darby invented a hyper-grace theology (to be addressed in another essay). In this theology, the earthly salvation of Israel was based on the Law and the Gospel of the Kingdom whereas the Church was based on the Gospel …
Pain at the Pump
The newscasts from America constantly speak about “Pain at the Pump.” We find similar stories in Israel as well. However, this is an unfortunate way to put the headlines. It should be “Pain in the Cost of Living due to …
THE THIRD GREAT COMMANDMENT: Build Discipling Community Under an Eldership
The First Commandment is that YHWH our God is our God alone and we are to love him with all our heart, soul, and strength. The second is to love our neighbors as ourselves. This includes everyone in our sphere …
The Origins of J. N. Darby’s Dispensational, Essay 2, Overcoming Dispensational Fundamentalism
Those who have written about John Nelson Darby and his new and novel Dispensational Theology System, have presented us with an amazing and fascinating account. Darby was an Anglican Priest in Ireland who was disillusioned with the Anglican Church. …