An over-emphasis on the difference between how God appears in the days of the Old Testament and how God appears in the text of the New Testament has been common historically but seems to be more pronounced today. Those who …
For Seekers; Four Best Books
There are four books that are at this time are my four chosen books to give to seekers for the truth. I would like to include my book The Biblical World View, An Apologetic. Yes, since I wrote it and …
Christianity’s Best Examples: The Saints
It has become quite a pattern today for some who left the Christian faith to rail against Christians, quite viciously sometimes, sometimes with a lot of hate. This may be fueled by actual abuse from their past. The claim is …
Love the sinner but hate the sin, and the destructive nature of idolatry
This little phrase is packed with truth. It can be used as a trite response to those who reject our biblical worldview, but when rightly applied it is powerful. It is most powerfully manifest in the ministry of Yeshua. He …
Agnosticism, integrity, and today’s young adults who abandon the faith
At 19 years old, in November 1966, I experienced a spiritual crash, an emotional breakdown. I came home to my mother (I was a dorm resident in College) in unbelief and feeling like my whole world had blown up. I …
The Evidence of Pentecost and the Growth of the Early Church
The history of the early Church is amazing. I use this term, early Church as the normal one for historians and recognize that we are speaking of a mostly Gentile movement, though Messianic Judaism continued for some time in Israel …
Godly Children, Emotional Maturity, and Screen Time
Members of the Tikkun America Apostolic Team asked me to write an article on this subject after I expressed my deep concern on how children were being raised in our western societies (I include Israel in this). When Patty …
The Right of First Refusal
Reading the New Covenant Scriptures in the light of the Hebrew Bible gives us a clear understanding of the priority of to whom we should first proclaim the Good News. In the Hebrew Bible, page after page tells us …
Messianic Jewish Movement Compared to Gentile Jewish Roots One Law Movement
The Law of Moses. MJM: Is applicable in the New Covenant, but in that application, it is important to distinguish Jewish covenant responsibility and Gentile responsibility. Jews are responsible as part of their election to maintain Jewish identity and …
Yeshua’s Death, Resurrection, and Pentecost (Shavuot)
The capstone or climax of the life of Yeshua was his death and resurrection. This death and resurrection led to a public event, an outpouring of the Spirit with parallels to the Sinai event when the Torah was given to …